Book Reviews -- Nonfiction

I've decided to split up my linked up list of all my book reviews because it's getting so long.  So here are all the nonfiction books I've reviewed over the years.  

Click here for the list of fiction books reviews.

Click here for the list of manga/graphic novel reviews.

(I've included my movie-style rating in parentheses after the book's title if I rated that book.  I didn't start rating books until 2013, and sometimes I forget to rate a book, which is why they don't all have ratings.)

The Abracadabra Kid by Sid Fleischman
The Adventures of the Woman Homesteader: The Life and Letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart (PG) by Susanne K. George
The Alpine Path (G) by L. M. Montgomery
An Atlas of Tolkien by David Day
Aslan's World by Angus Menuge

Bat Masterson: The Man and the Legend (PG-13) by Robert K. DeArment
Becoming Jane Eyre (R) by Sheila Kohler
Before Freedom, When I Just Can Remember (PG) edited by Belinda Hurmence
Be Free or Die: The Amazing Story of Robert Smalls' Escape from Slavery to Union Hero (PG-13) by Cate Lineberry
Best Shot in the West (PG) by Patricia C. McKissack, Fredrick L. McKissack Jr., and Randy DuBurke
Black Heroes of the Wild West (PG) by James Otis Smith
The Bronte Sisters (PG) by Catherine Reef

By Myself by Lauren Bacall

Careless People:  Murder, Mayhem, and the Invention of the Great Gatsby (PG-13) by Sarah Churchwell
Christmas in Williamsburg by K. M. Kostyal and Lori Epstein
The Color of Compromise (R) by Jemar Tisby
The Convivial Homeschool (G) by Mystie Winckler
The Cross and the Lynching Tree (R) by James H. Cone
C. S. Lewis: Letters to Children (G) ed. by Lyle W. Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead

Dear Author: Letters from a Bookish Fangirl (G) by Laura A. Grace
Death by Petticoat (G) by Mary Miley Theobald

Every Frenchman Has One (PG-13) by Olivia de Havilland

Famous Gunfighters of the Western Frontier (PG) by W. B. "Bat" Masterson
Film Noir: Light and Shadow (PG-13) edited by Alain Silver and James Ursini
Finding God in the Lord of the Rings (G) by Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware
Five Seasons of Angel (R) ed. by Glenn Yeffeth
Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman (PG) by Dorothy Sterling
F. Scott Fitzgerald On Writing by Larry W. Phillips

A Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
A Girl from Yamhill (PG-16) by Beverly Cleary
Grateful American (PG-13) by Gary Sinise
A Grief Observed (PG) by C. S. Lewis

Hamlet:  Poem Unlimited (PG) by Harold Bloom
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Hello, My Name is Single (PG-16) by Adriane Dorr Heins
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War (PG-13) by Joseph Laconte

I'd Rather be Reading (PG) by Anne Bogel
If Only They Could Talk (PG-10) by James Herriot
Imagination Redeemed (PG-16) by Gene Edward Veith and Matthew P. Ristuccia
I'm Your Huckleberry (PG-16) by Val Kilmer
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
I Never Had it Made by Jackie Robinson with Alfred Duckett

Jane Austen's Cults and Cultures by Claudia L. Johnson
A Jane Austen Education (PG-13) by William Deresiewicz
Jane Austen's England (PG-13) by Roy and Lesley Adkins

The Jane Austen Guide to Life (PG-13) by Lori Smith

John Gielgud Directs Richard Burton in Hamlet by Richard L. Sterne
John Wayne:  The Man Behind the Myth by Michael Munn
Joss Whedon:  Conversations (R) edited by David Lavery and Cynthia Burkhead
J.R.R. Tolkien:  The Mind of a Genius
Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper (PG-13) by SARK
Just Mercy (PG-16) by Bryan Stevenson

Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl

Laura Ingalls Wilder Country (G) by William Anderson
The Legend of Bass Reeves (PG-13) by Gary Paulsen
Letters of a Woman Homesteader (PG) by Elinore Pruitt Stewart
Letters of a Woman Homesteader (PG) by Elinore Pruitt Stewart (again)
Letters on an Elk Hunt (PG) by Elinore Pruitt Stewart
Life Beyond Measure (PG) by Sidney Poitier
A Light in the Dark Belt (PG) by Rosa Young
The Little House Cookbook by Barbara M. Walker
Little Town on the Prairie (PG) by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Long Winter (G) by Laura Ingalls Wilder
The Lord of the Rings: The Mythology of Power (PG) by Jane Chance
Luther: Biography of a Reformer (PG) by Frederick Nohl

Make the Bread, Buy the Butter by Jennifer Reese
A Man Called Peter (G) by Catherine Marshall
Marsalis on Music (G) by Wynton Marsalis
My Hygge Home (G) by Meik Wiking

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (PG-15) by Frederick Douglass
Nothing Daunted (G) by Dorothy Wickenden

101 Things You Didn't Know About Jane Austen by Patrice Hannon

Pew Sisters by Katie Schuermann
A Pioneer Woman's Memoir: Based on the Journal of Arabella Clemons Fulton (G) ed. by Judith E. Greenberg and Helen Carey McKeever
The Poker Bride: The First Chinese in the West (PG-16) by Christopher Corbett
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (G) by Vincent Starrett

Rapunzel's Guide to All Things Brave, Creative, and Fun (G) by Suzanne Francis
Richard Burton:  Prince of Players by Michael Munn
Rooster (PG-13) by Brett Cogburn

The Searchers: The Making of an American Legend (R) by Glenn Frankel
Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder (PG) ed. by William Anderson
The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay & Diaries (R) by Emma Thompson
Shakespeare's Restless World by Neil MacGregor
She Came to Slay: The Life and Times of Harriet Tubman (PG-16) by Erica Armstrong Dunbar
Sixguns and Society (PG-13) by Will Wright
Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
Stuff Every Gardener Should Know by Scott Meyer
Superman Versus the Ku Klux Klan (PG-13) by Rick Bowers

These Happy Golden Years (G) by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Tolkien and C. S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship (PG) by Colin Duriez
The Trouble Begins at 8 (PG) by Sid Fleischman
True Strength (R) by Kevin Sorbo
The Truth Will Set You Free (PG) by Samuel L. Hoard
Two Guys Read Jane Austen by Steve Chandler and Terrence N. Hill

An Unexpected Cookbook by Chris-Rachael Oseland
Up from Slavery (PG) by Booker T. Washington

Wade McClusky and the Battle of Midway (PG) by David Rigby 
We'll Always Have Casablanca (R) by Noah Isenberg
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew by Daniel Pool
Wishes, Lies, and Dreams by Kenneth Koch
Wizards, Hobbits, and Harry Potter edited by Mark Whitlock
The World of Raymond Chandler (PG-13) edited by Barry Day

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