Who Am I?

It strikes me that I should have a more complete bio somewhere than just what's listed in the "About Me" thingie on my sidebar.  Something a little more specific, maybe.  Something that gives you an idea of where I'm coming from when I write all this stuff on my blog.  So here goes.

I'm a Christian.  A Lutheran, to be precise.  A conservative, confessional Lutheran, to be even more precise.  I belong to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), though I was raised in the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod (LCMS).  I believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God.  You don't agree, take it up with Him.

I'm a wife.  Cowboy and I have been married since 2002, and mighty happily so.

I'm a mother of three.  I stay at home and homeschool them.  I was homeschooled myself, K-12, as a matter of fact.

I'm a writer.  I've been writing fiction for more than twenty years now, since I was fourteen and decided I didn't want to be a veterinarian after all.  I've been telling stories for as long as I can remember, though, and my parents have a couple of one-paragraph stories I typed up on Mom's old manual typewriter when I was six or seven.  
I'm currently a columnist for the newspaper Prairie Times, and you can read all of my monthly columns from 2018 forward right here.

I won a contest from Rooglewood Press in 2016 with my Sleeping Beauty retelling, which is available in the anthology Five Magic Spindles. I have since independently published five books: Cloaked (2017), Dancing and Doughnuts (2018), One Bad Apple (2020), My Rock and My Refuge (2022), and The Man on the Buckskin Horse (2024).  You can learn more about them on this page.

My Rock and My Refuge was a finalist for the WILLA Literary Award for Young Adult Fiction and Nonfiction from Women Writing the West, and won second place in the 2023 Pencraft Awards for Literary Excellence for Christian Historical Fiction

I also have a book-oriented blog called The Edge of the Precipice that I invite you to visit!  And I'm on Instagram now, aren't I fancy?

I have a BA in Liberal Arts with concentrations (like minors) in English and History.

I love to read, write, watch movies, crochet, bake, cook, and play in the dirt.  I have yet to grow up.  But when I do grow up, I want to be a fairy godmother.

And I have a deep need to hug fictional characters.  Just so you know.


  1. Please hug Holden Caulfield then. If ever a sad fictional character needed a hug it is Holden.

    1. Only if I can manage to hug him without having to read Catcher in the Rye again :-)

  2. I just came across your blog from Lory @ The Emerald City's blog and I'm really enjoying going through your back posts. You have a great blog!

    1. Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying some of my archives :-) I look forward to getting to know you better.

  3. Hey Hamlette! I was so surprised when I read this: I'm WELS too! Looking forward to reading your posts! :)

    1. Abby P., how cool! You are one of the first WELS bloggers I've encountered, that I know of. Glad to know you!

  4. You're a rebellious writer! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Thank you!!!! I literally just looked up #RebelliousWriting because I wanted to know how many people have joined, and your blog was one of the ones that popped up!!! THANK YOU.

    1. Gray, that's cool that it did! I definitely am. I have two posts about #RebelliousWriting that I've been working on for like a month now, but still haven't finished.

      I should add one of the buttons to my "About Me" pages too, huh?

  5. Replies
    1. Nice to meet you too, MiddleEarthMusician!

    2. You are a lot huggier in comments than you are in real-life, Mem. XD

  6. Heyo Hamlette!! It's great to meet you!! :D

    And I wanted to let you know that I tagged you for the Get To Know Me Tag over at my blog. :D

    Danielle | silverphoenixwriter.blogspot.com

  7. What is a fairy Godmother?

    1. AI, have you ever read or seen any version of Cinderella? A fairy godmother steps in when someone is in need and offers unexpected help, wisdom, or understanding. Or simply gives a good, unexpected, undeserved gift. Whether it's granting a wish or helping make a dream come true, or simply providing needed encouragement and assistance, a fairy godmother helps when help is needed.


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