Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Indie State of Mind

I love that this week's Top Ten Tuesday prompt from That Artsy Reader Girl focuses on Indie/Small Press/Self-Published Books!  As an author who has published both with the small press and self-publishing models, I am excited to see those get a chance to shine this week.

Although, technically, any press that is not affiliated with one of the "big five" (Penguin Random House, Macmillan, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster, and Hachette Book Group) is considered to be "independently published," I am focusing mainly on self-published books here, with a couple of very small press exceptions.

Here are my favorites:

The Beautiful Ones by Emily Hayse -- book two in the fantasy western Knights of Tin and Lead trilogy, which retells the King Arthur legend

A Little Beside You by Jenni Sauer -- a "Snow White and Rose Red" retelling with a scifi setting and lots of cozy vibes

These War-Torn Hands by Emily Hayse -- book one in the fantasy western Knights of Tin and Lead trilogy, which retells the King Arthur legend

Emmazel by Kendra E. Ardnek -- a fantasy story that weaves the fairy tale "Rapunzel" with the Jane Austen novel Emma

In the Glorious Fields by Emily Hayse -- book three in the fantasy western Knights of Tin and Lead trilogy, which retells the King Arthur legend

Isabella's Daughter by Charity Bishop -- the last book in the Tudor Throne series of historical fiction revolving around Britain's Tudor royalty

Song of the Valley by Britt Howard -- a sweet, heartwarming Christian romance set in modern-day Montana

Land of Hills and Valleys by Elisabeth Grace Foley -- coming-of-age historical fiction set in Wyoming during the Great Depression

Laertes by Carly Stevens -- a dark academia retelling of Shakespeare's Hamlet set in 1920s Europe

The Goblin and the Dancer by Allison Tebo -- a retelling of the fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" changed up so that the jack-in-the-box character is not a villain

Have you read any of these?  Do you seek out indie books and authors, or read them if they happen to cross your path?


  1. Though I own a few of Charity's books, I haven't yet read them. Still hoping to do so though! What really annoys (*sarcasm*) me about self-published books is the authors re-do the covers and usually, I then think I "need" the new designs. ;)

    1. Rissi, lol! Yeah, I saw that Charity has redesigned the covers for her Tudor Throne books. I myself am so attached to my covers that I don't think I could bring myself to get different ones! Unless I released a hardcover special edition or something...

  2. Looks like you've found some great indie authors/books to love. Very fun!

    Happy TTT!

  3. I have not read any of these. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Cindy, well, I definitely do recommend them all :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Glad you enjoyed all these!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/04/04/top-ten-tuesday-414-spotify-wrapped-book-tag-2022/


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