Tuesday, September 19, 2023

What's Your Hobbit Name?

Hobbits are known for having quirky, old-fashioned names.  Our first game this week is all about figuring out what your hobbit name would be if you were transported to the Shire suddenly.  Just follow these instructions and you'll soon be answering to a quaint and humorous name of your own.

First Name -- Part One

The last letter of your real first name determines the first half of your hobbit first name.

A/B/C = Clover-
D/E/F = Flor-
G/H/I = Hum-
J/K/L = Jolly-
M/N/O = Merry-
P/Q/R = Ros-
S/T/U = Star-
V/W/X = Wink-
Y/Z = Yawp-

First Name -- Part Two

The number of letters in your real middle name determines the second half of your hobbit first name.

2 = -ago
3 = -pin
4 = -kins
5 = -luna
6 = -anders
7 = -fling
8 = -abello
9 = -fer
10+ = -o

Last Name -- Part One

Whichever of these words is included of the name of the street where you live determines the first half of your hobbit last name.

Avenue = Brace-
Drive = Floor-
Highway = Apple-
Lane = Light-
Place = Proud-
Road = Blythe-
Street = Sack-
Way = Withy-
All others = Sandy-

Last Name -- Part Two

Your favorite member of the Fellowship of the Ring determines the second half of your last name.

Aragorn = -muffle
Boromir = -bucket
Frodo = -buckle
Gandalf = -cobble
Gimli = -foot
Legolas = -girdle
Merry = -stool
Pippin = -turner
Samwise = -ville

Now just put them all together!  For instance, my hobbit name is Jollyluna Lightbucket.  I rather like that :-)  Sounds sort of frolicsome!  Now, tell us, what's your hobbit name?


  1. This is such a fun idea! My name is Cloverpin Sackcobble. I quite like that I have "Clover" in my name - so fun and light and appropriately cottagecore-esque, I think.

    Jollyluna Lightbucket is a very fitting and frolicsome name for you. :D

    1. Thanks, Olivia! Cloverpin is a completely adorable name. Sackcobble might be a bit hard to say aloud, but oh well :-)

  2. I'm Yawpkins Sackbuckle. 😂 I always love this kind of game!

  3. Starfling Blytheturner - I'll take it!

    1. Ivy Miranda, okay, I think Starfling Blytheturner is one of the best yet! Especially Starfling -- that sounds so adventurous.

  4. Cloveranders Bracemuffle here. I must get my drivers licence changed.

    1. Debra, er, I mean, Cloveranders -- yes, you must! :-D

  5. Cloverluna Withymuffle. Hmmm…Withy for short?

  6. Er.... Humfling Sandymuffle. (this is Deb)

    1. Oh dear, Deb. I think yours may be a bit sillier than most so far. Humfling. Hmmmmm. And Sandymuffle. I mean, there's a good alliteration to it. Humfling Sandymuffle. Hmm.

  7. Mine would be Humanders Sandycobble. Not very pretty, perhaps, but definitely very hobbitish!

    1. Bethani, I really like Sandycobble, in particular! Humanders maybe could just be shortened to Hum or Hummin?

  8. This such a fun idea! Although I don't know how much I like mine...apparently I'm Humluna Braceville. XD

    1. Glad you got a kick out of it, Samantha, even if you didn't end up with a name you fancy :-)

  9. Cloverpin Bracegirdle for me. A bit of a mouthful but also musical. :-)

    1. Rebecca, that really rolls off the tongue, I think.

  10. Always love these games ! I'm Humluna Blythemuffle.... hmmm. 🤔😅

    1. Heidi, well, I love Humluna, even if Blythemuffle is a bit of a tongue-twister...

  11. Joining in belatedly. Jollyanders Floorturner or Floormuffle. I have a hard time picking a favorite.

    1. Livia, those are fun! I think I like Floormuffle a bit more, personally.


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