Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Middle-earth Locations Unscramble Game

Time for our second party game for this year's Tolkien Blog Party!

I've scrambled up the names of lots of places mentioned in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.  See if you can unscramble them!  Put your answers in the comments, which I am putting on moderation so no one can cheat.

1. Delveriln

2. Snami Hittir

3. Breero 

4. Armio

5. Bothnibo

6. Doomkriw

7. Hotgailis

8. Heartwopet

9. Hillroonet

10. Grandies

11. Roades


Good luck!


  1. 1. Rivendell
    2. Minas Tirith
    3. Erabor
    4. Moria
    5. Hobbiton
    6. Mirkwood
    7. Ogthilias
    8. Weathertop
    9. Lothlorien
    10. Isengard
    11. Edoras
    12. Laketown

  2. 1. Rivendell
    2. Minas Tirith
    3. Erebor
    4. Moria
    5. Hobbiton
    6. Mirkwood
    7. Osgiliath

    8. Weathertop
    9. Lothlorien
    10. Isengard
    11. Edoras
    12. Laketown

    Wow, Weathertop really threw me for a loop!

  3. 1. Rivendell
    2. Minas Tirith
    3. Erebor
    4. Moria
    5. Hobbiton
    6. Mirkwood
    7. Osgiliath
    8. Weathertop
    9. Lothloriebn
    10. Isengard
    11. Edoras
    12. Laketown

  4. Fun!

    1. Rivendell
    2. Minas Tirith
    3. Erebor
    4. Moria
    5. Hobbiton
    6. Mirkwood
    7. Osgiliath
    8. Can't for the life of me figure this one out and have a feeling I'll be very embarrassed about it when the answer's revealed. xD
    9. Lothlorien
    10. Isengard
    11. Edoras
    12. Laketown


What do you think?

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)