Saturday, September 23, 2023

Giveaway Winners and Wrap-Up for A Tolkien Blog Party 2023

It's time to announce the winners for this year's Tolkien giveaway.  Without further ado, they are:

Prize One (an enamel pin) -- Ivy Miranda
Prize Two (five bookmarks) -- Olivia
Prize Three (Rohan banner sticker sheet) -- Bethani Theresa
Prize Four (hobbit door sticker sheet) -- Samantha B.
Prize Five (One Ring sticker sheet) -- Eva S.
Prize Six (dragon sticker sheet) -- Sam Mouse

Congratulations to this year's winners!  I will be emailing you shortly to ask where you would like your prizes sent.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year's party!  I have had a lovely week, and I hope you have too :-)  If you're like me and still working your way through everyone's posts, here's the link-up widget again so you can easily access those.  Also, if you have any last-minute posts you want to add, go right ahead, I won't mind.

See you in Middle-earth again next year!


  1. That pin is so cute! Thank you!
    It was a wonderful party as usual : ) Thank you for hosting!

    1. You're welcome, Ivy Miranda! Yes, isn't it? I hope you love it in person too!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting! I just linked my post--sorry to get it in late! My life is crazy. :)

    1. Thanks for joining, Samantha! Don't worry about being "late" as Hobbitish parties tend to dwindle rather than end ;-)

  3. Thank you so much! This week is always a highlight of my autumn. :D

    1. You're welcome, Olivia! Thank you for being such a staunch supporter :-)


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