Saturday, September 27, 2014

Answers to the Middle Earth Costumes Quiz

You people are really good at this.  I'm impressed!  Anyway, here are the answers to the costumes quiz, and below those are the scores for all participants.  Well done!

1 -- Boromir

2 -- Saruman

3 -- Frodo

4 -- Legolas

5 -- Merry

6 -- Pippin

7 -- Aragorn

8 -- Theoden

9 -- Denethor

10 -- Eowyn

11 -- Bilbo

12 -- Elrond

13 -- Sam

14 -- Gandalf

15 -- Faramir

16 -- Arwen


Elizabeth Anne D. -- 16
Reyna Nicole -- 16
Sarah (of Sarah'Sword) -- 15
Manette -- 14
Joanna -- 11


  1. *sigh* The funny thing about this is that I was in the shower yesterday, and I suddenly realized that #15 was, in fact, Faramir, and not Aragorn. But it was too late to change

    1. Aww. You could have changed it!

      I'm off to take a shower myself right now. Hooray! I love being home and being able to shower! Modern medicine is amazing -- I have just this clear glue stuff over my incisions and it is waterproof! Wow.


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