Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Additionally

This week's Top Ten Tuesday prompt from That Artsy Reader Girl is "The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Bookshelf."  I received five books for Christmas, won one in a giveaway, and bought the others myself over the past couple of months.  Behold!

The Bookish Bandit by Erica Dansereau and Britt Howard (Christian contemporary romance involving book publishing)

A Cranberry Christmas by Wende and Harry Devlin (festive picture book I loved as a kid)

A Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende and Harry Devlin (festive picture book I also loved as a kid)

The Hart of Christmas by Latisha Sexton (Christian contemporary Christmas romance)

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, specifically the 50th Anniversary edition from Unwin Paperbacks (classic fantasy adventure)

Kling Klang Gloria by Jenni Sauer (sci-fi fairy tale retelling)

The Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham (historical fiction mystery romance)

Persuasion by Jane Austen, specifically the Winchester Austen edition from Worth Press Ltd. (classic novel of second chances and self-discovery)

Through Thorny Ways by Jennifer Q. Hunt (Christian historical fiction set just after WWI)

The Weight of Air by Kimberly Duffy (Christian historical fiction involving a circus)

That's my list for this week.  Did you get books for Christmas?  Or give some?  I did give a handful as gifts, as well as receiving some.


  1. Yay for The Hobbit! I hope you like all of these.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. Lydia, isn't that a great edition? I love how Smaug is front and center.

      I'll check out your post after breakfast :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yay for winning a giveaway! :D That's always exciting.

    1. Jenni, yes! I rarely win them, so I was thrilled.

  3. Oooh nice! The Bookish Bandit is not fair, how can it not catch my interest with a title like that? And Kling Klang Gloria is such an interesting title too. I hope you enjoy these!

    1. Haze, right? The Bookish Bandit just begs to be read. Kling Klang Gloria is a sequel to a book called Rook di Goo, and I'm quite sure the title will make sense once I'm reading it, just as Rook di Goo did.

  4. Oh, those are so nice! Especially Persuasion. :) I got a good number of books for Christmas...my family knows me well.

    1. Samantha, yeah, Persuasion is my favorite Austen, and this edition has lots of cool historical info in it!

      Good for your family :-D

  5. Replies
    1. Bree, I do too! It's my favorite Austen. This edition has some nifty historical info in it, like things about Austen's relatives who were in the British Navy and so on.

  6. This is the second time today I've seen THE BOOKISH BANDIT on a TTT list. It sounds super fun! I hope you enjoy it and all these others.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, that's cool! It looks to be a really sweet and fun read :-) Happy TTT!

  7. How have I never heard of The Bookish Bandit!!! I have added it to my Goodreads list! I love Pepper's books. Great haul!

    1. Cindy, The Bookish Bandit just came out in November, so it's pretty new yet. That's great that you've added it to your Goodreads!

      I've just started reading The Mistletoe Countess and I am getting a great kick out of it so far :-)

  8. How nice to receive books as gifts!! I hope you enjoy them all!

    1. Lisa, yes, I have the good sort of friends and family :-) Thanks!

  9. What a great list of additions to your shelves! It sounds like you're going to enjoy all of these, and I hope that you do.

  10. We just need to talk about how cute The Bookish Bandit title is! ;) Makes me curious, that is for sure. Hope you enjoy all of these, Rachel and many thanks for visiting my website today.

    1. Rissi, I knooooooow. It's such a cute title, and the book premise is great too! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  11. Love your list! The Cranberry books and The Hart of Christmas caught my eye. Hope you enjoy all of them. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I love the Cranberry books, and I'm reading The Hart of Christmas right now and liking it a lot :-) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Persuasion and The Hobbit are both great reads!

    1. Rebecca, yes! They totally are. Persuasion is my favorite Austen novel, and this edition has some really interesting articles at the front about the history of the era it was written in and so on.

  13. The Cranberry books! What a throwback. I loved those as a kid, too.

    1. Olivia, high five to another Cranberryport fan! These are the only two I read as a kid, because they're the only ones our library had, but the library here has a handful more. Not quite as good as the original two, but still fun.

  14. I also gave a few books and received some as well. I love that you included specific editions for classics like The Hobbit and Persuasion! :)

    1. Jaime, that's great! I included the editions because I totally have multiple copies of both those already, so these were from a friend who knew I would like these specific ones and didn't have them yet :-)

  15. So glad to see The Hobbit on your list. I have read it about 4 times, but still never managed to read any of the Lord of the Rings books.

    1. Marg, I've also read The Hobbit four times! And I am currently reading Lord of the Rings for the tenth time, so you can see which one I prefer :-)

  16. The Hobbit is so good! I've been wanting reread it. I've been hearing a lot of great things about The Hart of Christmas. It sounds really good! :)

    1. Ashley, yes, it is :-) Though I love LOTR more.

      Just finished The Hart of Christmas last night -- it was really sweet and fun. Review coming soon!


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