Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: In a Word (July 18)

This week's Top Ten Tuesday subject from That Artsy Reader Girl is "Books with One-Word Titles."  I am not counting articles (a, an, the) in this, just FYI.  I've gathered up my favorites and linked their titles to my reviews of them, and given you a hint of what you can find in each one too!

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton -- found family, brothers, young hoods, Robert Frost

Persuasion by Jane Austen -- second chance at love, family strife, personal growth, female friendship

Shane by Jack Schaefer -- found family, western, lone gunman, hero worship

Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson -- swashbuckler, historical fiction, buddy story, mismatched friends

Laura by Vera Caspary -- dark mystery, detective hero, mysterious woman, unconventional romance

Bloodlines by Jan Burke -- dual timeline, connected murder mysteries, mentors, news reporter

Emmazel by Kendra E. Ardnek -- Jane Austen retelling, Rapunzel retelling, snarky talking cat, female friendship

Beauty by Robin McKinley -- fairy tale retelling, medieval-esque setting, friends-to-lovers, unconventional heroine

Hondo by Louis L'Amour -- man of few words, unconventional romance, western, sacrificial love

Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards -- gardening, cottagecore, orphans, found family

Have you read any of these?  What books were on your TTT list this week?


  1. Mandy sounds like an interesting read.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. Lydia, it's a sweet book I've loved since I was a kid :-)

  2. I've read Persuasion and Beauty, and a few of these definitely look interesting to me. Always enjoy your take on things and suggestions!!

    1. Thanks, Brittany! If you do try any of these, I hope you like them :-)

  3. It's been 10 years since I read Mandy but I remember loving it. Though I don't remember the plot...

    1. Chloe, Mandy is not really memorable for the plot ;-) When I reread it a year or so ago, I was surprised by how little I remembered, except for all the stuff about cleaning and gardening!

  4. I've read the first four plus Beauty & loved, loved them all. Laura sounds like the type of book I like reading & I'd never heard of it.
    I was a late starter with Detective mysteries but they are one of my favourite genres these days. I picked up Death in Berlin by M.M. Kaye whose name I know from her book, The Far Pavilions (I haven't read it though) and was surprised that she wrote crime novels. It was really good but from what I've read some of her other 'Death in...' are better - I was just happy to find the one I did.

    1. Carol, Laura is the novel that the classic noir film starring Dana Andrews is based on. Gorgeous stuff.

      I didn't know that M. M. Kaye wrote mysteries! I've only read The Ordinary Princess of her stuff, which is such a funny book.

  5. I just finished reading "Mandy!" I liked it a lot, though I thought the beginning and middle were more interesting than the end. I was a big fan of the gardening and the flowers.

    1. Katie, yeah, I think that I probably read the book once through as a kid, and then I reread the middle part over and over and over. All the homemaking and gardening enchanted me :-)

  6. I love re-reading Jane Austen.

    Here's my children's inspired TTT this week - https://busybusylearning.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-with-one-word-titles/

    1. Lisa, Austen is sooooooooooo rereadable :-) Thanks for the link to your list! I will check it out soon.

  7. I've read BEAUTY and THE OUTSIDERS, but it's been a long time for both of them. Time for some re-reading, perhaps?

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  8. Persuasion is a good pick for this. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/my-top-ten-favorite-contemporary-romance-books/

    1. Stefani, I think Persuasion is a good pick for most lists ;-) Thanks for the link to your list!

  9. YAY for Jane Austen and I've heard a LOT of good things about "Beauty." Never did read it though! Maybe someday. :) Thanks so much for visiting my website on this week.

    1. Rissi, I just read Beauty for the first time this spring, and it is really worth all the love it gets. Thanks for stopping by!


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