Sunday, July 23, 2023

"In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson" by Bette Bao Lord

This is such a fun, upbeat book!  It's set in 1947, when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, but it's actually about a little girl from China who moves to New York City with her mom to be with her dad, who had previously come to the USA to find work.  The little girl has to choose an American name for herself, so she picks the only American-sounding name she knows and likes: Shirley Temple.

Shirley Temple Wong doesn't speak English, doesn't know how to roller skate, can't play baseball, and doesn't know the Pledge of Allegiance.  But she learns all of those things over the course of the book.  She becomes an avid baseball fan and listens devotedly to Dodgers games on the radio.  She makes new friends, tries new foods, and even takes piano lessons from their landlady.

If This was  Movie, I Would Rate It: PG for one scene where a friend of Shirley's makes her take a blood oath not to tell their parents they are looking at an anatomy book that has pictures of naked people in it.  It's not belabored or really dwelt upon, but still not something I probably wouldn't want my kids encountering when they were quite young, so some other parents might feel the same.


  1. I LOOOOOVE this book! I might be due for a reread, now that you've reminded me how much I love it ;)

    1. RF, it's a really charming and sweet book, so I am not surprised you love it! Enjoy your reread when you get to it :-)

  2. Tickled you liked this one! I remember quite enjoying it when I was 9/10/11ish.

    1. Olivia, I can believe that! It is perfect for that age group.


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