Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Reads of 2022

I had a wonderful reading year in 2022!  To celebrate it, I've rounded up my "Favorite Books of 2022" to share with you for Top Ten Tuesday today, since that's the prompt from That Artsy Reader Girl this week.

As usual, I'm actually sharing two lists here -- my top ten favorite new reads and my top ten favorite rereads.  Since about a quarter of my reading is rereading, and I tend to revisit my favorites a lot, if I didn't separate the lists, I'd mostly be sharing rereads and that doesn't seem fair to new reads, so... two lists it is!

My Ten Favorite New Reads:

1. Borden Chantry (PG) by Louis L'Amour -- western, mystery, lawman, amateur detective, straight-forward storytelling

2. A Little Beside You (PG-13) by Jenni Sauer -- low-sci sci-fi, fairy tale retelling, gentle bruiser for a hero, cozy vibes, lots of knitting and baking

3. In the Glorious Fields (PG) by Emily Hayse -- magical western, King Arthur retelling, truly heroic heroes and heroines, gorgeous scenery, trilogy (book 3)

4. The Vanderbeekers and the Hidden Garden (G) by Karina Yan Glaser -- family, friendship, city life, gardening, multigenerational friendship, multiracial family, homelessness, found family

5. Isabella's Daughter (PG-13) by Charity Bishop -- history-based fiction, indomitable heroine, castle life, royalty, intrigue

6. Emmazel (G) by Kendra E. Ardnek -- fantasy, fairy tale retelling, Jane Austen retelling, cozy vibes, gardening, female friendship, talking cat

7. Song of the Valley (PG) by Britt Howard -- modern west setting, romantic, enemies-to-lovers, falling for your brother's best friend, horses, helping others

8. Cranford (G) by Elizabeth Gaskell -- shabby genteel cottagecore, female friendship, multigenerational friendship, cozy vibes, slice-of-life

9. Swallowdale (G) by Arthur Ransome -- adventurous kids, sailboats, exploring, camping, friendship

10. Laertes (PG-16) by Carly Stevens -- dark academia, Roaring Twenties, Europe, Shakespeare retelling, male friendship, supportive siblings

My Ten Favorite Rereads:

1. The Blue Castle (PG) by L. M. Montgomery -- transformation, new life, beautiful nature, cozy cottage, island life, happily ever after

2. The Eyre Affair (PG-16) by Jasper Fforde -- book-based fantasy, literature love, alternate universe, Jane Eyre, quirky humor

3. The Long Goodbye (PG-16) by Raymond Chandler -- hard-boiled mystery, male friendship, brooding atmosphere, dark vibes, private detective

4. Kidnapped (PG) by Robert Louis Stevenson -- Scottish Highlands, escape scenes, male friendship, mismatched buddies, political intrigue, reclaimed inheritance, adventure galore

5. Bloodlines (R) by Jan Burke -- triple timeline, hard-boiled mystery, intergenerational friendship, mentors, amateur detective, Irish-American characers

6. The Beautiful Ones (PG) by Emily Hayse -- magical western, King Arthur retelling, truly heroic heroes and heroines, gorgeous scenery, trilogy (book 2)

7. Lost in a Good Book (PG-16) by Jasper Fforde -- book-based fantasy, literature love, alternate universe, Miss Havisham, quirky humor

8. These War-Torn Hands (PG) by Emily Hayse -- magical western, King Arthur retelling, truly heroic heroes and heroines, gorgeous scenery, trilogy (book 1)

9. Loving Isaac (PG-13) by Heather Kaufman -- parenting, autism rep, hesitant romance, turtles, abusive past relationships, sisterhood, Midwestern vibes, strong Christian faith

10. Ophelia (PG-16) by Lisa Klein -- medieval, historical fiction, Shakespeare retelling, first love, young adult, coming of age, secret marriage

Okay!  I hope that gives you some idea of what each of these twenty books are about -- maybe even got you interested in reading them.  Have you read any of them?  What were your favorite books this year?  Do tell!


  1. Cool choices!

    My favorite reads this year were:

    The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks (18th century sea adventure)
    I Must Betray You (Communist informants in Romania)
    The Yiddish Policeman's Union (alternate history where Jews settled in Alaska instead of Israel... it's complicated)
    The Hunt for Red October (we all know this one, lol)
    Feet of Clay (Terry Pratchett magical detective story)
    Witches Abroad (Terry Pratchett Cinderella retelling)
    I Kissed Shara Wheeler (contemporary high school enemies to lovers)
    The Lady and the Tiger (royal romance, espionage, and intrigue)

    1. Thanks, Katie! I have never read a Tom Clancy book (::gasp!::) but I LOVE the movie Hunt for Red October. It's just so intense!

    2. I watched the movie after I read the book and really liked it! I think you would definitely enjoy the novel as well. It's so richly detailed, and it does an excellent job handling a very large cast with multiple POVs.

    3. Katie, my husband has read quite a few of Clancy's books, and he thinks I'd probably like this one best, so if I ever read one, it'll be Red October :-)

  2. It sounds like this was a great reading year for you. :)

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-books-of-2022/

  3. You've had a fun reading journey last year, I see.. :D
    I need to read more Gaskell's, have only read North and South so far. Which one do you prefer, Cranford or Wives and Daughters?

    1. Fanda, I definitely did! I haven't read Wives and Daughters yet, actually. I have a copy on my to-read shelves, though!

  4. This is a fun new way to describe each! I think I would really love The Vanderbeekers series.

    1. Thanks, Chloe! I had fun coming up with tropes and vibes instead of just a straight description. I agree -- you would love the Vanderbeekers!!!

  5. Replies
    1. Nicole, you should try the Vanderbeeker books! They go really fast and they are completely wonderful.

  6. Nice! All your posts about Emmazel have piqued my interest.

    1. Olivia, yay! I think you might find Emmazel really, really fun.

  7. I've not read any of these, but glad to see you enjoyed them!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/03/top-ten-tuesday-401/

    1. HeartlandX, I definitely did :-) I'll check out your list!

    2. Thanks, HeartlandX! Not sure how I missed your comment earlier...

  8. Great list! I wish I had more time for rereading. I always get distracted by new books!

    1. Thanks, AJ! New books definitely can be distracting :-D

  9. Read Louis Lamour's The Haunted Mesa,if all of you are longing for otherworldly mysteries...

    1. Anonymous, I have seen The Haunted Mesa around, so I will probably read it eventually :-) Thanks for the rec!


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