Little Women Read-Along: Pleasant Meadows (Ch. 22)
Oh my goodness! We're almost done with the first book! If I can, I'll try to post the final chapter and kick off the giveaway tomorrow. Fridays are super busy for me, though, so it might not happen until Saturday.
So here we have a very happy chapter. Beth is slowly getting better, it's Christmas time again, and Mr. March returns to surprise everyone. Don't you love the scene that creates? Oh, it makes me laugh and cry at the same time. "Jo disgraced herself by nearly fainting away, and had to be doctored by Laurie in the china closet." (Laughing!) "Mr. Brooke kissed Meg entirely by mistake, as he somewhat incoherently explained." (Laughing more!) "And Amy, the dignified, tumbled over a stool, and never stopping to get up, hugged and cried over her father's boots in the most touching manner." (More laughing!) And then... oh, and then. "The study door flew open, the little red wrapper appeared on the threshold, joy put strength into the feeble limbs, and Beth ran straight into her father's arms." (Sudden onslaught of tears.) (p. 196)
Completely wonderful. Jo glowering at Mr. Brooke, Mr. March praising his daughters for becoming better people, and everyone generally as happy as can be. Except when Jo remembered to glower, of course. Can you imagine poor Mr. Brooke, wondering (or perhaps knowing?) why she was so annoyed with him? Poor guy.
Favorite Lines:
Now and then, in this workaday world, things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion, and what a comfort it is (p. 196).
Possible Discussion Questions:
The girls gave Mrs. March a brooch "made of gray and golden, chestnut, and dark brown hair" (p. 196). Whose hair is gray?
This chapter... gahh, how can you not like it?! (I'm not saying you don't - I'm just speaking in general terms, heehee.)
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe the grey hair is Hannah's?
I know, right? So well done.
DeleteHmm, could be Hannah's. Or maybe Mr. Laurence's? Or maybe Beth's went gray with her illness?
Oh, Hannah's! I was thinking maybe Mr. March, but Hannah makes more sense.
ReplyDeleteI thought Mr. March originally, but he wasn't home yet. Unless they collected some of Marmee's?
DeleteThe "coming home" scene is so entirely delightful! I would point out each of the things, but you already did. ;)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the gray hair was probably Mr. March's and they were just having it set for her. And then I'm always curious because it does still make it one color short. You have Jo with the chestnut and Amy with the golden and I always definitely picture Beth dark brown, but come to think of it....I tend to picture Meg slightly different at different times. Possibly from seeing the different movie versions, but sometimes (mentally) she's darker and sometimes she's a bit lighter. (Okay, that was a bit of a rabbit trail....not sure where I was going with it. :)) What color do you picture Meg's hair? Does it say in that first chapter and I'm forgetting?
According to the Little Women wikia, Meg's hair is brunette, Amy's is blonde, Jo's is chestnut, and Beth's is light brown. Which does not solve the mystery at all. Probably Mr. March's, then, and they acquired it somehow?
DeleteI've always pictured them all as varying shades of brunette except Amy.
I have been very bad indeed about finding time to comment, however I have been keeping up with the read-along. :) Every time I read a chapter I become increasingly happy that you chose this time of year to do the read-along as it caused me to pick the story up again and realize what a perfect "Springtime" book it is!
ReplyDeleteI love that part about Amy as it shows her nature at its most sweet.
"Now and then, in this workaday world, things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion, and what a comfort it is!" (p. 196) - So true and, in fact, I like that paragraph so much I think I'm going to tack it up by my laptop. :)
It really is a great book for spring, isn't it? Not sure why, but it has that sort of growing-and-changing thing going on, so that's probably it.
DeleteOne of the sweetest chapters for sure! I love the 'chaos' Alcott described...
ReplyDeleteSorry I am yet again behind with commenting...I am au pairing for a bit so my time is not exactly my own:)
Aren't unexpected meetings/reunions exactly like she describes? No one knows what they're doing or saying, they're just too happy to be coherent :-)
DeleteNot to worry about being behind! Lots of participants have been sort of catching up on 3 or 4 posts at once, as their time permits. I won't hold it against you!