Saturday, January 4, 2014

In Which I Give in and Join the Classics Club

Well, I've done it.  I've joined the Classics Club.  I've been considering it for a while now, but the idea of committing to read fifty books in five years daunts me.  In five years, my kids will be seven, nine, and eleven.  I don't want to look that far ahead!  I think it's the years, not the mileage, that daunts me here.  
But then Ruth from A Great Book Study pointed out that I already have more than fifty classics on my to-read list, so why not go for it?  So I am.  I'm going to try my best to read fifty classics (and review them here) by the end of 2018.  I read a lot of classics anyway, so this should not be a hardship.  

What really made me decide to join was the fact that you're allowed to change your list at any time.  Add titles, subtract titles -- it's all good, as long as you have at least fifty titles at all times.  Also, re-reads count!  That will be my saving point, really, as I love to re-read beloved books.

So I've created a new page called My Classics Club To-Read List, where you'll find all the titles I'm planning to read.  I'll link reviews to that page, like I do with chapter reviews for the LOTR Read-Along.  Speaking of which, I have another chapter read, so better write up my comments on it!

Fellow Classics Club members -- how do you like it?  I see the site has a lot of cool stuff going on, most of which I won't have time for, but is there anything you think I should absolutely check out?


  1. Woot! Glad you joined us! I never really do anything with the stuff on the website, but I love having a goal for reading. Since I decided not to go to collage, I wanted something to keep me accountable so I wouldn't get lazy and stop learning, even if I wasn't technically in "school" and The Classics Club works really well for getting myself to read the classics, especially ones I probably would have never tried otherwise, like Anna Karenina.
    Good luck with your list!

    1. Oops. I meant "college." I'm really not that ignorant, I promise ;)

    2. Well, I enjoyed college a lot, and it was there that I began creating intricate collages...

      And yes, I think this will help me finally get to some of the classics I "want" to read, yet never am quite "in the mood" for. That's what I hope, anyway!

  2. Like you, I'm not especially good at setting goals that far ahead, so I think I'll stick with a TBR challenge for this year--maybe the one you're doing! But good luck--I love reading the classics!

    1. Okay, on second thought, not the one you're doing. My intention is to shorten the crazy list I have, but I don't want to be limited to books I've owned since last year in case I was just wary of buying it! I'll find one, though, and I'm sure you'll hear about it. :)

    2. Yeah, I was a bit annoyed that it has to be books you already own and not new ones you get this year, but I guess the point is to chop away at the stack of unread books that have been sitting on the shelf for who-knows-how-long. But that's part of why I only signed up to read 12, as I'll doubtless acquire more books throughout the year and want to read them right away.

      Good luck finding a challenge that suits you! There are a lot out there to choose from.

  3. Congrats! I hope you'll enjoy the experience! :)


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