Friday, April 1, 2016

The Poetry Giveaway

Do you love poetry?  Kind of like poetry?  Are you curious about poetry, but aren't sure what poets to try out?  If you answered "Yes" to any of those, then this giveaway is for you!  I am giving away SIX books of poetry!

I figure this is a fun way to kick off my month-long celebration.  These are inexpensive poetry collections, and would be a good place to start if you want to expand your knowledge of poetry.  If you don't win one here, you can find them online or at your local library, if you're interested.

Here are the prizes, with a note or two on what they're like:

Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg -- very readable poetry from the 20th century.  Sandburg is one of my absolute favorite poets.

Songs for the Open Road:  Poems of Travel and Adventure (with poems from Whitman, Stevenson, Cummings, Frost, Keats, Dickinson, Longfellow, Hughes, Browning, and more) -- this would be great for someone who think they don't like poetry, or who are adverse to lovey-dovey sorts of poems.

Selected Poems by Emily Dickinson -- most of her poems are quite short, and lots of them are famous.

Great Short Poems edited by Paul Negri (with poems from Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Tennyson, Dickinson, Yeats, Frost, Sandburg, Eliot, and more) -- this would be great for someone with a short attention span or limited reading time.

Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- lovely poems, many of them romantic, many of them famous.  This is where "How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways" comes from.

100 Best-Loved Poems edited by Philip Smith (with poems from Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron, Keats, Longfellow, Kipling, Frost, Sandburg, and more) -- this would be great for someone who wants to read lots of classic poetry.

Okay, so this runs through the end of Thursday, April 7th Sunday, April 10th. I will draw six names on Friday, April 8th Monday, April 11th, and post the names of the winners that day, as well a notify them by email.

Sadly, shipping rates went up this year, and I can only send these to US addresses. If you live outside the USA and have a friend who lives here that is willing to have it shipped to them for you, that's fine, but I can't send them internationally.

PLEASE make sure your information for the giveaway widget includes your current email address so that if you win a prize, you'll get the email informing you that you won! If you don't reply to my email by Friday, April 15th Monday, April 18th, I will choose another winner and award your prize to them instead.

The first way to enter, as you see, asks you to leave a comment telling me your top two prize choices. If you DO NOT want one (or more) of these books, please say so in your comment as well! I'd rather not send you a book of poetry you already have, or have read and decided you don't want to own, or have no interest in.

Don't forget to check the Poetry Month Celebration page all through the month to read the poetry posts that lots of bloggers are contributing!  You can also sign up there yourself to join in yourself.  And I've also posted a poetry tag with a link-up, for anyone who wants to fill it out on their own blog.


  1. I am interested in Cornhuskers or Songs of the Open Road. I have a collection of Emily Dickenson poems.

  2. My favorite poem is Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. I love the dark, cold, peaceful feeling it gives.

  3. Poetry--what fun!!!!

    I'd really like either the Emily Dickinson book, or the "100 Best-Loved Poems."

  4. Oh, fun! A giveaway! My first two preferences are Cornhuskers and Sonnets from the Portuguese. I already have 100 Best-Loved Poems and Emily Dickinson.

    As for my favourite poem? I'd have to say that it's still The Lady of Shallot by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Hamlette!

  5. Giveaways are such fun!

    I'm interested in the 100 Best Loved Poems, probably just that one.

    And my favorite poem is Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti. :)

  6. I would love the Emily Dickinson collection or the 100 Best Loved Poems! Thanks so much! My favorite poem is probably The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow.

    1. I actually just received the Emily Dickinson Collection as a gift! The Carl Sandburg collection would probably be my second choice :)

  7. Eeeee... I'm so glad you did a reminder post! I'd utterly and completely forgotten to enter and really wanted to! ;P

    Oh my... these all look so good. It's near impossible to pick my top three, but I'll go with:

    1 - Sonnets from the Portuguese
    2 - Short Great Poems
    3 - Songs for the Open Road

    But again, all six look amazing. :)

    (P.S. And I'm hopping over to leave a comment on your official page, too.)

  8. And you asked for favorite poem in a comment... Hurrahing in Harvest by Gerard Manley Hopkins has been my favorite for quite a while. :)


What do you think?

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)