Saturday, September 28, 2024

Wrapping Up the 2024 Tolkien Blog Party + Giveaway Winners

Thank you for joining me in celebrating J. R. R. Tolkien and his creations with me this week!  I'm sharing the link-up here one last time so you can easily find each others' posts without scrolling back and back through my feed.  Also, the party runs through today, so you are welcome to still add new post links to this!

And now, the winners of this year's giveaway!

Prize One: The Fellowship of the Ring audiobook on CD read by Andy Serkis -- Makenna Marie

Prize Two: 2 Shire Pub Sign Stickers -- Bethani Theresa

Prize Three: 3 "postage stamp" stickers -- Rosa

Prize Four: 4 LOTR "postcard" stickers -- Ivy Miranda

Prize Five: 1 leather "leaves of Lorien" mini blank book -- Victoria 

Winners, I'll be emailing you to notify you of your win and ask for a mailing address, so check your email for that!

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