Saturday, September 28, 2024

Answers to the Ladies of Middle-Earth Unscramble

Here are the answers to Tuesday's game!  And everyone's scores are below.

1. newar steervan = Arwen Evenstar

2. onewy = Eowyn

3. sireo noctot = Rosie Cotton

4. anblerice = Celebrian

5. heriot = Ioreth

6. hitlune livenuti = Luthien Tinuviel

7. dragaliel = Galadriel

8. glewin = Elwing

9. greboldry = Goldberry

10. beliola lackviles-gangbis = Lobelia Sackville-Baggins

11. ilrange = Gilraen

12. anavyan = Yavanna


Rosa -- 12
Olivia -- 11
Fundy Blue -- 10
Ivy Miranda -- 10
Miranda -- 6

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