Saturday, August 10, 2024

"The Midnight Show" by Sarah Pennington

This is such a fun book!  A fantasy version of the 1920s, with magical beings, speakeasies, jazz music, and so on.  AND it's a retelling of my favorite fairy tale, Twelve Dancing Princesses!

Popular singer Dayo Temitrope can't figure out why her dancing shoes are worn through every morning, and why her feet are covered in blisters.  She doesn't dance that much during her nightclub act, and she certainly doesn't go out dancing with her admirers enough to wreck her feet so badly.  So, she hires private investigator Bastian Dennell to figure out what's going on.

Bastian is excited to get to work for such a famous singer, especially since he's already a fan of hers.  But her case takes darker and stranger turns as he goes along, involving enchantments, disguises, and missing people.  But it all comes to a happy conclusion, and I am excited to read the next book in the Bastian Dennel series!

If This was a Movie, I Would Rate It: PG-10 for some intense scenes and possibly frightening imagery.  No cussing, smut, or gore.

This is the 19th book I've read from my TBR shelves for the 2024 Mount TBR Reading Challenge.


  1. Aw, I loved this book :D Such a fun mixing of history with magic!

    1. Katie, yes! So fun. Have you read the next two too?


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