Saturday, August 19, 2023

Announcing A Tolkien Blog Party for 2023

Won't you join me next month for my eleventh annual Tolkien Blog Party?  It will be the usual festive mix of party games, a blog tag, a giveaway, and lots of contributions from you, all celebrating Tolkien and his creations.

While the focus is usually on Middle-earth, reviews of or posts about Tolkien's other works, or about the professor himself, are always welcome!

This year's party will run during Tolkien Week, which ends on Hobbit Day, otherwise known as Bilbo and Frodo's birthday, September 22.

If you've never attended a Tolkien Blog Party here at the Edge of the Precipice, or if it's been a few years since you joined us, you can take a peek at last year's wrap-up to see what kinds of posts people contributed last year.

If you have some ideas of what you'd like to share during the party, but you're not sure if they'd be appropriate, just ask in the comments!  It's also fine to simply copy this year's tag to your own blog and fill it out there, or simply play the games here.  Whatever you have time for!  This is always a pretty laid-back celebration, in the fine tradition of hobbit parties. 

And, if you want to drop a comment here telling me you're hoping to participate, whether or not you have ideas of what you want to do, I'm always happy to hear from you!


  1. Hi again, Rachel! So glad this is coming back. I'd like to write about Tom Bombadil and why it was actually good he was left out of the Peter Jackson Trilogy if that's OK.

    1. Rebecca, that sounds like a really intriguing post! (And it also sounds like it will mirror my own opinion, heh.)

  2. Hi Rachel, I'd like to post about how I came to read and appreciate the LOTR trilogy. Planned date of post is Thurs Sept 21st.

    1. Debra, that sounds great! I look forward to it :-)

  3. So excited! I love the blog buttons!

    1. Thanks, Ivy Miranda! I had fun focusing on just the five main hobbits :-)

  4. This looks like so much fun! I'm actually re-reading LoTR right now, actually just about to enter the Mines of Moria.
    I've been in and out of the book blogosphere for a little while and missed the event last year, so I'm planning to spend the afternoon checking out that wrap-up.
    I don't think I'll finish the book or have anything really interesting to add to the discussion myself, but I'm looking forward to checking back next month to admire the party!

    1. Looloolooweez, great to have you aboard! There are definitely many ways to participate in this party -- you can post something yourself, do the tag on your blog, just play the games here, and so on. Participation can depend on your energy and time levels at the moment :-)

  5. Hello Hamlette! I've been waiting a whole year for this event! I can finally write that editorial about Kili I've been planning!

    1. Sally, that sounds like a lovely addition to the party! I look forward to reading it :-)

  6. I literally just bought a ticket to see the extended version of The Fellowship of the Ring in theatre in Flashback cinema at Xscape theaters (I don't know if its just those theaters or not). And it falls right during Tolkien party week, how perfect.

    1. Livia Rachelle, that's so fun! We took our kids to see all 3 of the LOTR movies in the theater a couple years ago, and it was amazing to see them on the big screen again :-) Have a great time!


What do you think?

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)