Sunday, January 12, 2025

Reading Goals Past and Future

I've got a bit of time this evening, so I'm ready at last to look over my reading goals from 2024, and set some for 2025.

I set myself the goal of reading 55 books in 2024, and I read 68, so hooray!  I didn't just meet, I exceeded that goal!

I wanted to read 48 books off my shelves for the 2024 Mount TBR Challenge.  I failed.  I did read 41 books that I owned this year, but only 28 of them counted for that challenge because their rules insist they have to be books you owned before the beginning of the year.  Oh well.

I joined the #DisneyOriginsBookClub2024 on Instagram again this year, but I quit after the first couple of months because I simply had less reading time this year!  A lot of that is due to my younger daughter's ballet lessons now overlapping with my older daughter's gymnastics lessons, so I spend a lot of time driving between those instead of sitting and reading while I wait/watch.

Also, I don't have a photo here to illustrate this, but I participated in the #JaneAustenDeepDive2024 reading group on Instagram this year.  I read all six of the annotated editions of Jane Austen's major works (edited by David M. Shapard -- one review still to come) and had a wonderful time learning about Austen's works and world.  But those annotated editions are not light reading!!!  They soaked up a lot of my reading time.

I wanted to read twelve books for my fourth Classics Club list.  I read ten, so didn't really hit that goal.

I wanted to read twelve books about people substantially different for myself.  The image here only shows eleven, but I realized after I took these photos that I left two books off, so I actually read thirteen for that list! 

Back in 2023, I decided to read all of the Sackett books by Louis L'Amour over the course of 2023 and 2024.  I read the Sackett short stories included in War Party and End of the Drive at the very end of December, thereby completing that goal!  You can read my reviews of all the full Sackett novels under the label My Years with the Sacketts.

I absolutely loved the Sackett books.  I've become a firm L'Amour fan over the past two years, and I am particularly fond of Tell Sackett, though I very much like quite a few of the other Sacketts too.

Now for my 2025 goals!

Once again, I want to read at least 55 books.  That's slightly more than one a week, and even when I have "low" reading years, I can still manage that, so I like that goal.  Achievable, but not inconsiderable.

I am NOT setting myself a goal of numbers of books to read from my TBR shelves for the first time in years.  I will read what I read.  My house will be full of books.  I like that life.  Time to stop obsessing over how many books I own and haven't read yet -- I think keeping a careful count of them for the past few years has actually made me buy MORE books, oddly enough.

Once again, I want to read twelve books for my fourth Classics Club list, and I aim to read twelve books about people who are substantially different from myself in some way.

And I have a new challenge for myself this year!  I'm joining Andy at @places_and_books in picking #25for25 -- 25 specific books I want to read this year.  From my list above, 8 are rereads and 17 are books I haven't read before.  I like that mix.  

How about you?  Have you set yourself some bookish or reading goals for this year?  Share a link if you've blogged about them!


  1. These all sound like excellent goals. Congrats on hitting/exceeding your goal number last year!

  2. You're officially a dance mom, but you were already a gymnast mom; so, you know what that's like. Maybe, while driving, you can fit in an audio book....?

    1. Ruth, well, my gymnast doesn't do competitions, so I only have to take her to lessons once a week. Dance is twice a week now, and once a year, my girl does a show, plus there's always the spring recital and the Christmas showcase... it's a LOT.

      I am not great at listening to audiobooks while driving because I get very wrapped up in them and stop paying attention to my surroundings. :-( But it's a good thought!

  3. I just started a tracker for TV shows so I love looking at your spreads and getting inspiration! Sherlock Holmes made out of a newspaper/dictionary clipping is SO COOL!

    I also want to read the Emma M. Lion books sometime!

    1. Chloe, that's cool! Yeah, I loved that Sherlock Holmes sticker :-D A friend sent it to me last year, and it was so perfect for that page!

      I hear the Emma M. Lion books are addictive. We shall see!

  4. Love the creativity of your journal. Mine is so boring! You've inspired me to change that this year!

    After years of wanting to try Louis L'Amour (my parents loved him!), I read some and am so glad I did! One of them was the first Sackett book thanks to your reviews:) and I plan to continue that series in order, too.

    Have a great reading year!

    1. Why, thank you! I hope you have fun adding some whimsy and fun to your own reading journal :-)

      I'm so glad you're enjoying Louis L'Amour now too! Reading all the Sackett books over the past couple years has made me such a fan of his. I love his plots, his pacing, his characters, his writing -- so good! Have fun :-D


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