Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Murder at the Merton Library" by Andrea Penrose

The only real downside to this book is that, now that I've finished it, I have to wait until September for another Wrexford and Sloane book!  I absolutely love this series and am slowly collecting them up because I know I will want to read them all again.

In this one, the Earl of Wrexford's late brother's best friend is murdered, and Wrex vows to bring the killer to justice.  Meanwhile, a scientific laboratory burns down in what appears to be arson, and Charlotte is drawn into the search for possible motives and perpetrators.  Of course, the two crimes end up being linked, and it takes the combined talents of their entire found family to figure everything out.  

I very much enjoy how Penrose works so many real-life scientific discoveries and inventions into this series.  It's set during the Industrial Revolution, and the emphasis on science really sets this series apart from other Regency-era books I've read.

Particularly Good Bits:

"It is a curse of human nature that we are inclined to believe things that we wish to be true.  Evildoers have exploited that weakness since the Garden of Eden" (p. 220).

"Vengeance doesn't soothe the soul" (p. 240).

If This was a Movie, I Would Rate It: PG-13 for violence, including showing a murder on-page, a smattering of cuss words, and mention of an attempt at rape (in the past, not shown, and neither victim nor perpetrator are regular characters).


  1. I see from your sidebar that you're currently reading L.M. Montgomery's "The Story Girl." This year is the 150th anniversary of L.M. Montgomery's birth and to mark the occasion, the Royal Canadian Mint has just issued a new commemorative $1 coin (a loonie, as we call them) with the author and an Anne of Green Gables scene on the back, available in colourized or non-colourized versions. Here's a link to the YouTube video to see the coin in close-up:

    1. Debra, wow! That is so awesome!!! I am going to have to try to get one of those -- I have the British note with Jane Austen on it, so I clearly need one of these.

    2. Hey, if one ever turns up in my change, I'll let you know and you can have it. I'll keep my eyes peeled over the coming months.


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