Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Reading Goals Behind and Ahead

I had a few goals for my reading life in 2023.  The same sort I usually have, like clear off my TBR shelves some more, read some classics, read diversely, and so on.  Here's how I did with my 2023 reading goals:

Overall Goal

I aimed to read 55 books in 2023.  I read 96.  Yay!

Classics Club

I wanted to read at least twelve books from my fourth Classics Club list.  I read fourteen!  You'll find all their reviews on that page or right here.

Diverse Reading

I wanted to read at least twelve books by or about people who are different from me in some significant way.  I read fifteen!  You can find reviews for most of them right here.


I had twin goals of reading at least 50 books from my TBR shelves AND whittling down the number of unread books on my shelves to 450.  I read 61 books from the to-be-read books I own, but I only got the number of unread books on my shelves down to 491.  Well, that's still better, anyway.

My Years with the Sacketts

I set myself the goal of reading all nineteen Sackett books by Louis L'Amour over the course of 2023 and 2024.  I have read the first nine, so I am confident I can finish them all by the end of 2024.

Now for my 2024 reading goals!

Overall Goal

I like the number 55.  I'm keeping that for my goal.

Classics Club

Twelve seems like a good number here.  But I'll give myself some wiggle room in my bullet journal, just in case.

Diverse Reading

I also like aiming for twelve for this goal.  But, as you can see, I'm also giving myself room for more than that in my bullet journal.  Just in case!

Mount TBR

Because the Unread Shelf Challenge has come to an end, I am once again joining the Mount TBR Challenge from My Reader's Block.  I am aiming for the Mount Ararat level, which means reading 48 books from my TBR shelves -- but only books I already own by January 1, 2024, will count.  This makes it much more challenging, so we'll see how that goes!  I'm going to continue keeping track of how many books I buy and how many I take off my shelves, too, even though those aren't part of the Mount TBR challenge.

Disney Origins Bookclub

This fun reading challenge has returned to Bookstagram!  I want to read the four fairy tales that are scheduled, plus at least three of the books.  To learn more, and/or join, click here.

Jane Austen Deep Dive 2024

This is another Bookstagram reading group challenge -- we're going to read all six of Jane Austen's major works together, but very slowly.  I aim to read all of them, specifically the annotated editions.  To learn more about that, and/or join, click here.

My Years with the Sacketts

I have ten Sackett books by Louis L'Amour left to read for this personal challenge!  My teen son has been reading them as I finish them, which has been such a great experience for us both, giving us lots of wonderful heroes and heroines to talk about.

That's all for this year!  How about you?  Do you set reading goals?  Participate in challenges, or make your own?  Do tell!


  1. I've joined my first ever reading challenge = Facebook's "Read Across the US Book Club" in which every week we will read a book from another state. This week's book is from Texas, and it was a great one! -Mom

    1. Mom, that's so fun! I have seen challenges like that, and "read around the world" ones too. Definitely a fun way to broaden your scope!

  2. Oh my goodness, 491 unread books on your shelves? That's wild. :D But hopefully Mount TBR will help!

    And reading Jane Austen's works with a group sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Samantha, um, yes. This is down from 537, which is what I had at the beginning of 2020. So I do lower the number by about ten a year, which is progress! Slow progress, but oh well.

      The reading group for the Austen deep dive has been awesome so far!

  3. Oh, I love your reading journal--it's so cute!

    Good luck with this year's goals! I like how you are so intentional with your reading.

    1. Thanks, Ruth! I do try to balance reading with a purpose and reading just for fun :-)

  4. 96 books! That's fantastic, well done.

    Your plans are ambitious and your confidence is catching; I feel so motivated to really stretch my own reading goals this year based on this. It looks like you've got a really fun year in reading ahead.

    Plus, your book journal is just plain fun to look at :)

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Looloolooweez! Good luck with making your reading goals! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my reading goal pages :-) Happy New Year to you and yours!


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