Saturday, September 19, 2020

Giveaway for the Tolkien Blog Party 2020

I cannot host a Tolkien Blog Party without giving away a few mathoms in true hobbit style!  So here are this year's prizes, which are of more special magnificence than usual because I feel like everyone needs an extra lift this year.

Prize 1: Two 4-oz candles I bought from Midnight Flame, one called Second Breakfast and one called Shieldmaiden of Rohan.  Both have some loose dried flowers on top of the candle for extra scent and beauty.

Prize 2: Four bookmarks I bought as a PDF file from Mirkwood Scribes that bear poetry and images from The Hobbit.  I printed them myself and laminated them with contact paper so they will last longer.

Prize 3: Two 2-oz candles I bought from Plot Twist Wicks and Flick the Wick, one called The Shire and once called Misty Mountains.  It's hard to tell in this photo, but the Shire candle is glittery on top.

Prize 4: All three original soundtracks for the Lord of the Rings trilogy films from New Line Cinema, composed by Howard Shore.  These are USED discs -- they play in my devices, but I can't guarantee they will work for you.

Prize 5: Three stickers featuring the Three Hunters: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli.

Prize 6: Four stickers featuring the four hobbits from LOTR: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. 

I bought all of these from We the Dreaming Designs.  They are each about 3"x3".

Prize 7: One wooden bookmark I bought from Sweet Sequels that features original artwork of the map of Middle Earth and a stack of Tolkien's books.

Prize 8: One 4-oz candle I bought from Salty and Lit called The Prancing Pony.

Prize 9: One journal I bought from Crabapple Books that says "I'm Going on an Adventure" on the front and has a hand-drawn design of mountains and trees that wraps around to the back of the book.  This 6"x9" paperback journal has 100 lined pages.

Prize 10: the winner's choice of any one Tolkien-related ceramic mug from A Fine Quotation!  This prize is being donated by shop owner Carrie Brownell, and she will only ship it to a US address because it is heavy, so please don't request it if you live outside the United States.

This giveaway is open worldwide EXCEPT for Prize 10, the mug from A Fine Quotation, which is US-only.   

As always, the main way to gain entries is to participate in the party by contributing a post, such as your answers to the official tag or another Tolkien-related post, then adding your post's link to the Mister Linky widget at the bottom of the kick-off post (which is also where you'll find the tag questions).  But that isn't required!  You can also earn entries by doing other things like commenting, following, and telling me your prize choices.  

I do my best to match winners with their choice of prizes, but that doesn't always work out -- that's why I ask for your top three choices. 

Also, please be aware that international mail is slow these days. I will ship all prizes via the USPS, and they do not ship to every country right now, so please check this official list to see if your country is still receiving mail sent via the USPS.

This giveaway runs through the end of Friday, September 25. I will draw the winners on Saturday, September 26 and post the names of the winners on this blog, as well a notify them by email, no later than Sunday, September 27.

PLEASE make sure your information for the giveaway widget includes your current email address so that if you win a prize, you'll get the email informing you that you won! If you don't reply to my email by Saturday, October 3, I will choose another winner and award your prize to them instead.


  1. These are all Stunning, as usual. :D

    My top choices would be:

    1) Prize 3
    2) Prize 1
    3) Prize 10

  2. These prizes are amazing!

    Prize 2

    Prize 3

    Prize 10

  3. Wow, these are all gorgeous!

    My top three are:
    Prize 10
    Prize 9
    Prize 6

    Prize 4
    Prize 8
    Prize 10

  5. Looove these prizes <3

    Prize 10
    Prize 9
    Prize 2

  6. Exciting!

    My top 3 choices would be:

    Prize 10
    Prize 3
    Prize 1

  7. "Leave a comment on this post telling me what your three favorite prizes are. I can't guarantee that if you win, that's what you'll get, but I do make an effort to match winners up with prizes they'll like."

    If I were lucky enough to win, I would choose:

    1. Prize 2.
    2. Prize 8.
    3. Prize 1.

    But any prize would be great!

  8. Excited! My top three choices are: 4, 8, and 2

  9. Wow these are incredible!! :O

    I absolutely LOVE candles and notebooks, so I'm going to be a broken record and say my top 3 choices would be:

    ... and 9. :D Cause they all sound absolutely amazing. :D

  10. (1) 10
    (2) 4
    (3) 1
    are my top 3 choices

  11. Oh sheesh, this is just stunning -- so many lovely choices! Thinking, thinking...

    Prize #4
    Prize #1
    Prize #9 or #3

    Thank you!

  12. So generous of you! My preference is:
    Prize 10
    Prize 3
    Prize 1

  13. These are such amazing prizes! My faves are:

    1, 6, and 9! But I would appreciate any of the candles/bookmarks :)

  14. Abby K (@the_book_worms_bookshelf)Sep 22, 2020, 11:36:00 PM

    I would pick
    #1: prize 10
    #2:prize 4
    #3: prize 1

  15. Abby K (@the_book_worms_bookshelf)Sep 22, 2020, 11:41:00 PM

    I can't get any of my entries to work. It keeps saying and error occurred. Does commenting what prizes I'd like count as an entry?

    1. Abby, that's so odd! I will manually add you for your prize-picking 3 entries, but maybe try signing in again today to see if it works better for any other entries you want to submit?

  16. These are so wonderful! ♥ Thank you so much. :)

    Here are my top choices:

    1: Prize 4.

    2: Prize 2.

    3: Prize 6.

    I would really love to be able to choose Prize 10 but I don't live in US. I wonder if the reason it won't be shipped internationally is because international post for a heavy package would be expensive. If that were the case, I'd be willing to pay for shipping but if it's for different reasons (like the current situation due to the pandemic), then I understand.
    I admit I'm very grateful you decided to still ship most prizes internationally in spite of the pandemic, so I'm not complaining at all. I just hope nothing gets lost in the mail.

    Thanks a lot again. ^^ This party is such a fun event every year.

    1. Briar Rose, I think A Fine Quotation specified no international addresses because yes, it's expensive to ship a heavy, fragile box, and also, it IS breakable and she wouldn't want a prize to arrive broken. Sorry!

      I'm glad you enjoy the party :-) I do too!

    2. I understand, it's okay. :) I asked because a mug was once shipped to me internationally by a friend as a gift and it came in perfect condition but his country is European, just like mine, so I imagine that makes a big difference.

      Anyway, it's alright. I feel incredibly blessed just to be able to have the party this year! It really is one of the highlights of my year. ^^

  17. comment with prize preference

  18. My preferences are 9, 1, and 3.
    Thank you for hosting this every year. A lot of work goes into these things, but you still manage to set it up on time every year:).

  19. I love the wooden bookmark, the mugs, and the journal!


What do you think?

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(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)