Sunday, April 28, 2019

The #CoverLove Tag

Movie Critic tagged me with this :-)  Months and months ago, but hey.  At least I'm finally finishing it up and sharing, right?

All these pictures are ones I've taken myself and shared on Instagram.  I've linked the titles to my reviews of each book, if I've reviewed them.

A book cover featuring a gorgeous dress:

Five Poisoned Apples by Skye Hoffert, Jenelle Hovde, Courtney Manning, Maddie Morrow, and Rachael Wallen

A book cover with no people, just a pretty scenery:

The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery

A book cover that's ''well-loved'':

Gone-Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright

A book cover that just makes you smile:

Samantha's Surprise: A Christmas Story by Maxine Rose Schur

A book cover that is your favorite color:

Jane of Austin by Hillary Manton Lodge

A cover of a book with fond memories attached to it:

Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende and Harry Devlin

A book you wanted solely for the cover:

Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery

I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm tired and lazy tonight.  If you want to do this tag, have at it!  And let me know if you do so I can enjoy your post :-)


  1. Oh, I'm glad that you enjoyed doing it! But really, you did it so much sooner than when I got around to it. :-)

    That cover for The Blue Castle is gorgeous! I really need to read that one.

    1. Thanks, MC!

      I just got that copy of Blue Castle a couple days ago and I adore it. One of my favorite books, and one of my favorite book covers. You MUST read it.

  2. Your pictures are stunning! I love how you themed each one.

    1. Thanks, Skye! TBH, I went back through my booksta pics and found ones that worked for the prompts rather than taking new photos EXCEPT for The Blue Castle, which I had to wait for until it arrived in the mail and then took a pic of with this prompt in mind :-)

  3. Aw, Samantha's Surprise made me smile before I saw the category it was under. XD

  4. Ooh, I might steal this in the next couple weeks.

  5. Well, I'm a few years late, but I just saw this tag a week ago and thought that it looked like fun to do.

    1. Johanna, oh, that's such fun :-) I'm glad you did the tag even if it's been a few years. I will check yours out!


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