Thursday, February 18, 2016

Western Classics Giveaway

To celebrate finishing the Shane read-along, I'm giving away a brand-new copy of the movie, which stars Alan Ladd as Shane and Van Heflin as Joe Starrett.  And then I kind of got carried away at the used book store and found three more westerns that are somehow related to Shane and decided to give those away too.  So here are the prizes:

Shane (1953) -- pretty faithful adaptation of the book we just read, about a stranger who comes to a small Wyoming town and sides with the homesteaders against a pushy rancher.  You can read my review of it here.  (Once I pick a winner and get their mailing address, I will order a brand-new copy of this and have it shipped straight to the winner from Amazon.)

+ Silverado (1985) -- four men team up to rid a town of a pushy rancher who's trying to run everything and everybody.  A rousingly enjoyable western.  This one's rated PG-13, mostly for violence, but it does have some cussing and very brief innuendo.  You can read my review of it here.  (This is a USED copy -- it works in my DVD player, but of course, I can't guarantee it'll work in yours.)

3:10 to Yuma (1957) -- this one stars Van Heflin, who's also in Shane, as a struggling rancher who takes on the job of ensuring a dangerous outlaw gets put on the train to the state prison in Yuma.  It's a fascinating character study as well as a beautiful western.  You can read my review of it here.  (This is a USED copy -- it works in my DVD player, but of course, I can't guarantee it'll work in yours.)

Whispering Smith (1948) -- this one stars Alan Ladd, who's also in Shane, as a railroad detective who has to try to stop his erstwhile best friend from attacking and looting trains.  I only just saw this for the first time this week, but my goodness, I like it a lot!  It's a solid western, and Ladd is wonderful in it.  I haven't reviewed it yet, sorry.  (This is a USED copy -- it works in my DVD player, but of course, I can't guarantee it'll work in yours.)

Okay, so this runs through the end of Thursday, February 25th. I will draw four names on Friday, February 26th, and post the names of the winners that day, as well a notify them by email.

Sadly, shipping rates went up last month, and I can only send these to US addresses.  If you live outside the USA and have a friend who lives here that is willing to have it shipped to them for you, that's fine, but I can't send them internationally.

PLEASE make sure your information for the giveaway widget includes your current email address so that if you win a prize, you'll get the email informing you that you won! If you don't reply to my email by Thursday, March 4th, I will choose another winner and award your prize to them instead.

The first way to enter, as you see, asks you to leave a comment telling me your top two prize choices.  If you DO NOT want to win any of these, please say so in your comment as well!  I'd rather not send you a movie you already have, or have seen and decided you don't want to own it, or have no interest in.

You can enter either here or on Hamlette's Soliloquy -- both work!  Because these are movies and that's my movie blog, I figured I should post it both places :-)


  1. Hi, this is so nice of you but don't know if I qualify although plead my first and last case of Shingles as excuse. Got it just when I came across your site. If I'm in...My first two choices would be Shane & Whispering Smith. As soon as my mind comes back, actually I may try my own second hand copy of Shane tonight that I haven't read as yet...glad you reminded me of it and your citing quotes enticing and impresses the reader of the book's larger, deeper reach. BTW started with the rafflecopter (may use that myself later on for my give aways) and didn't see how to add choices. But that might be my lack of mind right now. Anyway, so glad to have found your site! Thanks! Jacqueline

    1. Got this condition just before I found your site!

    2. My grandpa got Shingles once, and wow, that was horrifying. It looks like your entries went through to the widget just fine! Rafflecopter is pretty cool, and I use it for all my bigger giveaways like this. Just makes it so easy to choose winners, and then nobody has to have their email address out where people can see it, which I think makes them feel more secure.

      And you were supposed to leave the choices in a comment just like you did, not in the widget itself, so you did it right!

  2. My first choice would be 3:10 To Yuma and my second is Whispering Smith. Both look great!


    1. Eva, they are :-D Review of Whispering Smith will be forthcoming once I've watched it a second time next week.

  3. My first choice would be 3:10 to Yuma, and my second choice would be Whispering Smith. I haven't seen either of them, but I've been wanting to see 3:10 to Yuma since I read your review during the western week. :-)

    1. Ekaterina, sounds good! I'm glad you found my review intriguing :-D

  4. Okay, so Silverado is my 1st choice definitely! I haven't had a chance to see it yet and with Jeff Goldblum in it, that's a crime against my own nature.

    2nd choice is 3:10 to Yuma.

    I think it's so sweet of your to always do giveaways! :)

    1. Carissa, you STILL haven't seen Silverado? Well if you don't win it, then go find it. It's such a rollickingly fun western.

      I love giving things away -- I'm so thankful I have a husband who understands and supports my generosity.

  5. Hello, Randi -- thanks for stopping by :-)


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