Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The "Hamlet" giveaway

We have finished Hamlet at last!  I feel a great sense of accomplishment, don't you?  (And if you haven't quite finished it, no big deal.  I'm happy to keep discussing it as long as you'd like.)  To celebrate, I'm hosting a giveaway, as is my wont at the end of read-alongs.  

PLEASE NOTE:  This is open to everyone!  Not just participants of the read-along :-)

Here's what I'm giving away:

Hamlet (2000) starring Ethan Hawke
It plays fine for me, but your mileage may vary.

Hamlet at Elsinore (1964) starring Christopher Plummer
Donated by Kelda!  Brand-new.

Hamlet (1996) soundtrack by Patrick Doyle

Sticker Set 1
Bought from RedBubble.com by me.

Sticker Set 2
Bought from RedBubble.com by me.

Sticker Set 3
Bought from RedBubble.com by me.

I know we are all really busy with Christmastime merriment right now, so I'm leaving this giveaway open for two weeks instead of my usual one.  That way people will have plenty of time to get around to entering.  So this runs through the end of Monday, January 4th. I will draw the winners on Tuesday, January 5th and post the names of the winners that day, as well a notify them by email.

PLEASE make sure your information for the giveaway widget includes your current email address so that if you win a prize, you'll get the email informing you that you won! If you don't reply to my email by Tuesday, January 12, I will choose another winner and award your prize to them instead.

This giveaway is open worldwide!  However, the DVDs are Region 1 encoded, so you will either need to live in the USA or Canada, or have a region-free player for them to work.

Enter via this widget:


  1. I'd like the first set of stickers.

  2. I would like the Hamlet soundtrack.

  3. Ohhh, I generally love Patrick Doyle -- so that soundtrack looks super neat!

    And... (since I haven't yet actually read it and don't have a preference on the film versions), if I don't come out first on the drawing for the soundtrack you can go ahead and just skip drawing anything else for me and make some other person happy. :)

    (P.S. OH!! And I accidentally first put in an entry using Eowyn's Rafflecopter sign-in, so you can overlook "her" entry. :P Sorry about that.)

  4. Oooh, I'd definitely love to see the Ethan Hawke DVD!

  5. The Hamlet at Elsinore looks wonderful!


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