Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Regarding a Read-Along of "The Old Man and the Sea"

I've decided to do it!  Enough people have expressed interest in doing a read-along of Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea with me that I'm going to host it.  We'll kick things off on July 21, which is Hemingway's birthday.  And by which time, I do hope I'll be done with the Lord of the Rings read-along :-)  

I'm not sure yet exactly how I'll do this particular read-along, as it's really just one long short story, with no chapter breaks or even section breaks.  Maybe a post for plot, another for characterization, another for imagery, another for style?  One huge post about ALL of it?  I don't know!  Going to be an adventure.  If you have any suggestions, shout 'em out!

In the meantime, if you're interested in participating, or just want to add a nice picture to your blog, please consider adding one of these to your sidebar with a link back to this post:

Thanks!  I'll probably see if I can get this listed at The Classics Club too.


  1. Wonderful! I would join except I've read the book pretty recently. But I'll be reading your posts! :)

    1. Hey, you can still discuss it! I'm really undecided how I'll set this one up since it doesn't have chapters. It does take place over several days, so maybe I'll split it up that way. Or something. But anyway, please join in the discussions!

  2. Replies
    1. Yay! And thank you for the idea and encouragement.

  3. Love the buttons! I'll get one up soon. :-) I'll be traveling in July, but hopefully I can hop in at some level when I get back. At the very least, I'll definitely read through all your posts. And I'll be super interested to see what you come up with on how to break it down, too. Heart of Darkness is set up the same way (kind of one long running tale with just a few breaks) and I've been trying to visualize how exactly to go about it if I ever do that read-along. So I'll be looking out for any tips you come up with! :-)

    1. Since it's short, you could even maybe read it before you leave, or on the road or something? And just join the discussions as you're able. Whatever you can manage will be great!

  4. I'm going to join you too! I just read it but I'd love to re-visit it with a group of reading buddies. Here's my introductory post: Thanks for hosting, Hamlette!

    1. Yay! Very glad to have you with us :-) Thanks for the plug on your blog, too!

    2. It's going to be fun! :-)

      If you want more advertising, you may want to post this read-along on the Classics Club. I see that they have an events page up for June and July now.

    3. You know, I did the email submission thing for them, but I looked around again now and see what you're talking about, where people can just post about an event. I'll go leave a link there right now -- thanks!

  5. I will be joining. Thanks for hosting. I enjoy read-alongs.

  6. I will join, too! It's been a very long time since I've read it. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Yay! I look forward to your perspicacious thoughts on it :-)

  7. I decided to join as well. Maybe a read-along will help me understand Hemingway a little better. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Wonderful! It's nice to "meet" you, and I'm happy to have you onboard for the read-along!


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