Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Hello, there

This week, our Top Ten Tuesday prompt from That Artsy Reader Girl is "New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024."  So, here are ten authors I read for the first time in 2024 and hope to read more from:

I've linked to my review of the first thing of theirs I read this year :-)  And, yes, fully half of those co-wrote a book.  It's thanks to that book that I was able to do this tag, because I just didn't read a ton in 2024, and many of the books I did read were either part of a series I've been reading for a while, or rereads, or comfort reads.  But, thanks to that one book, I had an answer to this prompt after all!


  1. I love Dusti Bowling! I've read a lot of her books and they're wonderful. So glad you discovered her.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, I am definitely on my way to becoming a fan of Dusti Bowling's, for sure. Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus was in my top ten for new reads of 2024.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. These are all new to me authors, but your reviews are tempting me to try a few of them. You had me at "a fantasy version of the 1920s, with magical beings, speakeasies" with Sarah Pennington's book! And Dusti Bowling's book also caught my interest. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Feline, ooooh, Sarah Pennington's book is so much fun! I picked up the next two in the series too, and am hoping to read them this year.

      Dusti Bowling's book blew me away with how vibrant and loving and thoughtful it is. I'm having my 6th-grade-and-up literature class at our homeschool co-op read it this spring because it is so rich and bright.

  3. It’s always fun to discover new authors, even when you’re not reading as much as usual! It sounds like that co-written book really helped shake things up for you this year. I hope you get the chance to read more from these authors and find some new favorites!

    1. Carla, that's definitely true! And yes, I'm hoping to read more by all these authors, especially the ones who co-wrote One Must Die.

  4. Replies
    1. Carrie, have you read the sequel yet? It's sitting on my TBR shelves waiting for me...

  5. I have not read any of these authors. Have a great week!


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