Thursday, March 1, 2018

In Which I Join Instagram and #MiddleEarthMarch

I keep hearing good things about #bookstagram, and this post from Musings of Jamie prompted me to just take a flying leap into the world of Instagram.  (Well, that plus I just got a new phone with a decent camera on it, which will make posting to Instagram a lot easier.)  I joined, I started posting pictures, the whole shebang.  And I promptly joined an Instagram challenge called #MiddleEarthMarch, which basically is just posting Tolkien-related pictures all through March based on various themes.  What themes?  These themes:

I promise my feed won't be continually Tolkien-related -- there will be plenty of bookish pictures, photos of flowers (I'm addicted to flower photography), probably pictures of things I bake or places I go or whatever.  But for this month, yeah, gonna be a lot of Tolkien stuff.  I thought it fit nicely with my current My Years in Middle Earth reading challenge and the LOTR read-along I'm hosting here, etc.

I joined under my real name, so you'll find me @RachelKovaciny there.  I've loved photography for years, but I'm obviously entirely new to the whole Instagram thing, so this is a new adventure!  Looking forward to finding new friends there and also those of you I already know via the blogosphere :-)


  1. Well, as you may know, I gave up in the middle of TTT. Please forgive me. I got involved in a big project, put everything aside and, after that, fell behind in all of my reading and writing. :(

    Anyway, I joined you on Instagram.

    1. Ruth, awww. Well, you can always pick back up with the read-along if you want. Irene just joined in and is working her way through FOTR right now.

      Aha! Found you in Instagram and followed you back :-)

  2. Oh, that sounds like a cool challenge to do. I'm not jumping in, though, as I don't think I'm knowledgeable or creative enough or I simply don't have the time or energy to commit to it. But I'm following you on Instagram as well and I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)

    1. Irene, I'm not sure I'll be able to do the challenge every day cuz I have a too-busy life already, but when I can, I am! My pics certainly aren't going to be as amazing as a lot of the ones I'm seeing, though. Mostly just me throwing some stuff together, lol.

  3. YAY!!!! I'm off to find you immediately ;D


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