
Friday, November 29, 2024

Beware the Black Friday Book Sale!

WARNING!  You could be tempted to fill your e-reader with wonderful books if you read this post!

I have joined forces with Perry Elizabeth Kirkpatrick and dozens (maybe hundreds) of other clean fiction authors to bring you the best deal on our books of the year!  The Black Friday Book Sale starts today and runs through Cyber Monday.  There are more than 700 books on sale for 99 cents or less, and you can find them all at .  

As part of this sale, the Kindle editions of ALL of my full-length books will be only 99 cents each!

That means you could buy all six Once Upon a Western books, plus A Noble Companion, for less than the price of one of my paperbacks.  If you've been wanting to buy the three books I released this year, right now would be a smart time to do that!

I'll be shopping the sale myself this morning.  It's such a fun way to try new authors or fill in gaps in a collection.  I'm not quite finished with all the e-books I bought via last year's sale, in fact!  But that's okay, I definitely need to pick up a few more ;-)

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