
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"The Realm Beneath" ed. by Allison Tebo

This is a fun anthology!  I haven't really read loads of books involving mermaids or other undersea fantasy creatures, which made this collection especially refreshing for me.  Here's a little of what I thought of each of the seven short stories contained here:

+ "The Song of Arion" by Emily Golus had a marvelous theme of kindness triumphing over fear.

+ "The Mermaid Search" by Anna Christine had a great twist to it that made me want to reread the whole story to see it from a different point of view.

+ "A Fighting Chance" by Allison Tebo was heisty fun.  I really enjoy heist stories, and this one also had a bit of a found family vibe, which I love.

+ " Krakensong" by Olivia Gratehouse had a cool concept, and I liked how it twisted some stereotypes.

+ "In My Blood" by Jane Maree had great character development, and I loved the gladiatorial vibes.

+ "Loshed'Vo" by Danielle Bullen was lyrical and haunting, and the inclusion of a magical horse of the sea really bumped this one up in my favorites list.

+ "A Handful of Scales" had a lovely message about trusting God to provide.

I would say that "The Mermaid Search" and "Loshed'Vo" were my favorites.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher.  I was not requested or required to review this book.  All opinions stated here are mine and unvarnished.

If This was a Movie, I Would Rate It: PG-10 for some intense scenes of underwater danger, some non-gory violence, and themes about loss of family members that might be harder on some younger readers.  No cussing, no smut, no gore.


  1. I always loved mermaids growing up.

    1. Anonymous, I love to swim, so I have always wished for their ability to breathe underwater.


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