
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ladies of Middle-Earth Unscramble

By popular demand (okay, two people demanded it), our second game this week is an unscramble!  I'm muddled up the names of 12 women from J. R. R. Tolkien's books about Middle-earth.  These include The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings.  Some of these will be easy, some will be hard.  (To be clear, I did not include any characters who appear in the movies but not the books, such as Bard the Bowman's daughters.)

1. newar steervan

2. onewy

3. sireo noctot

4. anblerice

5. heriot

6. hitlune livenuti

7. dragaliel

8. glewin

9. greboldry

10. beliola lackviles-gangbis

11. ilrange

12. anavyan

Put your answers in a comment.  I'll reveal the answers and people's scores at the end of the party!

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