
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Announcing the 2024 Tolkien Blog Party

This announcement is a few days later than I intended it to be, but that's okay, right?  We still have more than three weeks to get ready for this year's Tolkien Blog Party! 

This will be the twelve annual Tolkien Blog Party!  Wow!  A rather momentous number, don't you think?  We'll pretend it is, anyway.

If you haven't joined one of my blog parties before, or haven't joined one lately, here's how this event will work:
  • I will provide a giveaway with Tolkien-related prizes, some blog games, a blog tag for all and sundry to fill out, and a link-up where everyone can share their party posts.

  • You get to provide posts of your own on any Tolkien-related subject (book reviews, movie reviews, character sketches, lists of favorite moments, musings on how cool Gandalf's sword Glamdring is, an appreciation post for the dwarves, whatever.)  All posts must be appreciative and not derogatory, and all posts must be family-friendly.

It doesn't matter if you've only read Tolkien's books or only seen movies or shows based on them -- all Tolkien fans are welcome to enjoy the festivities!

You are hereby invited to attend!  Start making your plans for your posts, and help yourself to this year's blog buttons.  Share them on your blog with a link to this post so others can join the fun, use them in your party posts, and so on.

There's no formal sign-up sheet for who wants to post about what, but if you want to discuss some options in the comments, I'm always here for that!


  1. Thank goodness for Debra at "She Who Seeks." She reminded me of this event. I plan to participate for the first time. I love Tolkien!

    1. Fundy Blue, I'm glad she shared about this! Glad to have you join us :-D

  2. Now I wish I'd planned ahead for this! But I will plan to write at least one relevant book review that week, and I'll be following others' posts.

    1. Beth, spur-of-the-moment posts are totally welcome too! And a book review will be awesome :-)

  3. How delightful! I will most certainly attend ;P

  4. So excited about another year of celebrating Tolkien!

    Just let my Silmaril Award bloggers know about it, so hopefully we can direct some traffic and Tolkien love your way!

    1. Jenelle, thanks for spreading the word! Yes, it's always a joy to celebrate Tolkien :-)

  5. I've already been brainstorming for this year! I can't wait to get started!

    1. Bethani Theresa, good for you! I'm glad to hear it :-)

  6. I'm thoroughly excited. This is the first year I haven't missed the party! Thank you for hosting it and congratulations on 12 years of this that is awesome!

    1. Miranda, I'm so glad you're able to join this year! And, yeah, 12 years is kind of astonishingly long for an online event :-o But here we are!

    2. Thank you! And yes - much to celebrate!!

  7. Oh yay, I almost forgot this year!!


What do you think?

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)