
Monday, April 29, 2024

"The Man on the Buckskin Horse" Goes on Tour!

It's book tour time!  The illustrated edition of my Sleeping Beauty retelling, The Man on the Buckskin Horse, releases TOMORROW!  Here is a link to it on Amazon. The paperback drops on Tuesday, and you can pre-order the Kindle until then.

I am taking this book on an online tour, starting today.  The tour involves several interviews, lots of book reviews, and even a post by the illustrator!  For website and blog stops, I will update links as things go live, but for now, I've just linked to their front pages.  For Instagram stops, I have linked to the individual accounts that are hosting stops.

Note that the interviews on Monday and Friday are live events that you can join on Instagram and watch as they happen, and even ask questions during!  Those will be archived on Instagram as well, to watch any other time that works for you.

Here is the book tour itinerary:

Monday, April 29

Live interview with @books_with_cordy at 8pm EST on Instagram
Book review by @jillions_of_stories on Instagram

Tuesday, April 30 -- Release Day

Post by the book's illustrator, Skye Hoffert, on her blog Ink Castles
Book review by @thefilmdirectorswife on Instagram
Book review by @ive_seen_a_new_world on Instagram

Wednesday, May 1

Book review by Kilmeny on her blog VT Dorchester
Book review by @giltedgedpages on Instagram
Book review by @thepurplegiraffereads on Instagram

Thursday, May 2

Interview with Suey Nordberg on YouTube
Book review by @elisabethaimeebrown on Instagram

Friday, May 3

Live interview with @eldmountain at 7pm EST on Instagram
Book review by @aliciaandherbooks on Instagram

Don't forget that when you buy a copy of The Man on the Buckskin Horse by May 31, you are eligible to receive a pack of related goodies!  There's more info about that in this post.  

As always, you can order signed paperback copies of my books via this form.  I don't have paperbacks for Buckskin on hand yet, but I should have them soon, and will ship them out as soon as I have them.  All paperbacks ordered directly from me before May 31 will automatically receive the packet of goodies.


  1. Happy release day!!! *fires confetti cannon*

    1. Thank you, Olivia! I'll take confetti over pollen any day ;-)

  2. Just got my copy will have to take some pictures! :D

    1. Skye, hooray! I hope you like how the interior turned out :-D


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