
Monday, August 8, 2022

Announcing the TENTH Annual Tolkien Blog Party

Ten years.  Don't they go by in a blink.

TEN YEARS!  I can't believe I've been hosting this blog party for that long.  Wow.  A whole decade!  That sounds so exciting, doesn't it?

You are hereby invited to attend the tenth annual Tolkien Blog Party right here at The Edge of the Precipice.  From September 18 to 24, we will be feasting and playing and singing and dancing... or, at least, celebrating however it strikes our fancy.

I'll provide a tag to fill out, a couple of games, and the ever-popular giveaway.  You'll provide... whatever you want to!  Top ten lists?  Book or movie reviews?  Your own fan art?  Games?  Musings on a favorite character?  Anything Tolkien-related you can think of and want to share!

If you'd be so kind, please share one or more of these buttons on your own blog, wherever you put such things.  Invite your friends!  Let's make this year's party the best one yet!

There's no official sign-up roster, but if you want to comment on this post to express your excitement, or to bounce around ideas for something to share that you want some feedback on, go right ahead!

Any questions?  Ask those in the comments too!


  1. I've been anticipating this announcement and was wondering yesterday when you were going to make it!!

    I'm so excited! The Tolkien Blog Party has become the highlight of my blogging year.

    1. Ivy Miranda, yay! I'm so glad you're on board :-)

  2. This has been going on for a decade? I'M EMOTIONAL. Like, sure, I haven't known about it that whole time, but still.

    I cannot wait for this. Always one of the highlights of my year. :D

    1. Olivia, oh, wait until October when my Soliloquy blog turns twenty. I am ollllllllld.

      It's a highlight of the year for me too!

  3. ADSFASDF I am SO EXCITED! I look forward to this week all year, but somehow I'd forgotten it was so soon?? I CAN'T WAIT!

    1. Samantha, sometimes good things creep up on us :-)

  4. Sounds like my type of celebration!

  5. It's that time of year again already?? o.O Well, I'm not complaining! ;) Now I have to figure out what I'm going to write about...the possibilities alone are so exciting!

    (No Boromir button? 😭)

    1. Eva, yup. Coming quickly!

      (No Boromir button because I wasn't happy with how my efforts turned out because I couldn't get the sizing right and stuff. And a Boromir button must be perfect.)

    2. (That totally makes sense. ;))


What do you think?

Comments on old posts are always welcome! Posts older than 7 days are on moderation to dissuade spambots, so if your comment doesn't show up right away, don't worry -- it will once I approve it.

(Rudeness and vulgar language will not be tolerated.)