
Friday, August 16, 2019

Announcing the 7th Annual Tolkien Blog Party!

Oh, yes!   My Tolkien Blog Party is happening again!  Seven years in a row -- how fun is that?

I've made some buttons, as you can see.  Share 'em wherever you share such things so other people can find out about the party and join us!

The party will run all of Tolkien Week, Sept. 22-28.  I'll provide a tag, some party games, a book review or two, and, yes, of course, a giveaway.

What would y'all think of adding a sort of blogathon-style thing to the party this year?  As in, you can contribute whatever Tolkieny posts you come up with, not only your tag answers?  I'm thinking something totally open-ended, like we ran the Legends of Western Cinema Week event -- everyone's free to contribute whatever they want, be it a book or movie review, musings on a favorite character or theme, whatever.  Comment below with your ideas!


  1. I was just thinking of this today! Yay, I'm so excited! I wasn't able to participate a lot last year, so I can't wait to join to party!

    1. MC, what good timing! I'm working on giveaway prizes and ideas for the tag already :-D

  2. *pterodactyl screech* yaaaAAAASSSS!!

    Honestly, this is, like, one of my favorite things. ;D

    Can't wait! And oooh, I love the idea of making it more like a blogathon in terms of everyone contributing different kinds of posts. I feel like I've unthinkingly been doing that these past years anyway, though. xD

    Also, I lurve the buttons. I love the theme of the books you incorporated into them. :D :D <3

    1. Olivia, awwwwww, I love that you love this :-) And yes, you've kind of been doing that anyway, and so have a couple other people, which made me go, you know, why not?

      I wanted to do something different with the buttons this year, rather than just grabbing shots from the movies, and this is what I came up with. I probably should've done something from Silmarillion or his other works instead of so many LOTR covers, but my goodness, they're so pretty!

  3. Yay!!! Love the buttons and planning to post one as soon as I can get on the computer. Also, love the blogathon idea. I actually have a specific contribution idea on that so I'll email you asap to see if it'd be suitable in the next couple days. (Very hopefully.)

    1. Heidi, yay! So glad you like them :-) Can't wait to hear what the contribution you're considering is!

  4. YAYAYAY!!! It's happening yet again!!! I'm so excited!!! The buttons are lovely. <33 The blogathon idea sounds great!!! I'm not sure I understand it completely but I'd love to do it anyway. XP

    1. MEM, yes, it is! Glad you like the buttons :-)

      The blogathon idea mostly is just that people can contribute other Tolkien-related posts on their own blots to the party than just the blog tag. Like a book review, movie review, character sketch, game, whatever!

  5. AHHHH!!! Can't wait to do this again!!!

    1. Ceci, yay! I know, I love this week so much every year :-)

  6. This is always a highlight of my year! I look forward to participating again. Very nice job on the buttons.

    1. RM, awww, that's so sweet! Thanks, I had fun making something a little different this time :-)

  7. I'm intrigued by this! I may just join in this year. :)

  8. Another Tolkien party! It was the first thing I ever posted on my blog. Blogoversary here I come!
    *happy sigh* Isn't a Tolkien party the best thing to have an anniversary with? :)

    1. Lacy, oh wow, that IS a super cool thing to have a blogaversary with! I love it.

  9. I. AM. SO. EXCITEDDDDD. Can't wait for the festivities! I look forward to them every year!!

  10. Eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!!! A Tolkien blog party? YAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!

  11. Oh my gosh! I follow you and a couple of other bloggers who participate every year, but my original blog isn't suited to it.

    But... this year I have started another blog! One about books,movies, fun stuff, and tea, so I hope that I can finally join in!

    I love your whole idea by the way. :D

    1. PioneerGirl, how fun that you have a second blog now and will be able to participate! That's awesome! And thanks, this is one of my favorite parts of blogging, tbh.

  12. I've shared this post with Deb from the Classics Club so we can help spread the word for you - not all those who wander are lost :-)

  13. This is the perfect thing to return to blogging with!


What do you think?

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