
Monday, January 1, 2018

The Annotated-by-the-Author Giveaway!

Hey, guess what?  FOUR authors (including me) are running the coolest-ever giveaway right now.  We call it the Annotated-by-the-Author Giveaway... because we're each giving away a copy of our latest book which has been personally annotated by the author.  

That means the author of each book has inserted notes (I used sticky notes, and I'm assuming the others did similar things) into the book giving you all kinds of cool information about the story.  I don't know what the others are doing, but for Cloaked, I wrote about name choices, historical details, plot choices, and more.

Each author is also going to include some little surprises in the box.  So the winners will basically get a cool little subscription box, but for free instead of having to pay a subscription fee.

You can enter this giveaway right here or on my other blog, where I've provided more details about the books and authors.  Enjoy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(This is open to US addresses only.)


  1. Good luck with your giveaway! =)

  2. Yay! I ADORE annotation, and hope that I get the chance to read Cloaked with annotation. :)

    Giveaways are so fun!!

    1. Evangeline, I agree, it's such a fun thing to get to read an author's behind-the-scenes thoughts. Good luck!


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