
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Would You be Interested in Another LOTR Read-along?

At the end of the Tolkien blog party, I asked a couple people if they would be interested in me hosting another read-along of LOTR.  

Ordinarily, I wouldn't consider hosting a second read-along of a book I've already covered, but it so happens I'm using LOTR in the high school lit course I'm teaching my niece this fall.  The whole reason I've had to quit doing read-alongs except in the summer is because I don't have time to teach her AND lead read-alongs.   Except, if I lead another LOTR read-along, I could just adapt my posts for her and use them for the general read-along.  I think I could handle that.

If enough people are interested, I will do this!  I would probably start it at the beginning of November, just to give people a chance to find out about it, decide to join, and get a copy of the book.

So... if you're interested, say so in the comments here, and let me know if a November start date would work for you!  We would do about 3 chapters a week, so this would take about 21 weeks, or from November 1 to probably the end of March.


  1. This sounds awesome! I would definitely be interested in doing it. The perfect motivation to get through the series. ;) I've already read the first one so I might just hop in on The Two Towers and finish the rest of the read-along.

    Looking forward to this!

    1. Mary, good to hear you'd be interested! And you could certainly join the discussion of FOTR if you've read it recently and don't want to re-read it right now.

  2. YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ahem, yes. I would love that. It would be awesome. ;-D

    1. MEM, I'm trying to read between the lines here... are you saying you'd be interested in joining such a read-along? ;-) If we get a few more people interested, I will do it! I'm thinking a core group of five would be good.

    2. Yes. ;-D I could see if a couple of my friends would be interested! XD

    3. Oooh, recruiting! That might do the trick.

    4. I wrote a blog post about it! Hope that brings in some more people. XD

    5. Faith at is interested in doing it! XD

  3. I would be interested in reading along, though I have limited time in November, so I may start a little late.

    1. RM, that would be fine! I am always cool with people playing catch-up, especially when it's something this lengthy.

  4. That would be so fun!

    1. Lydia, it's looking pretty promising! I think if I get one more interested person, I will go ahead and make some banners and do this.

  5. Ohhhh I would LOVE to join this read-a-long. Problem is, NaNo is in November and I'll probably be pretty busy in December and the following months....but we'll see if I can swing it. I'd really like to. :)

    1. Natalie, yeah, Nano in NOV is a problem. If all else fails, you can play catch-up eventually?

  6. I would LOVE to do a LotR read-along!!!! It has been far too long since I last read Lord of the Rings! (oh...wait... its only been a few months... anyway, I want to read it again!!! XD)
    Byt the way, here's the link to my blog if you'd like to check it out:

    1. Kendra Lynne, that's great that you'd like to join! Stay tuned for some buttons and more info soon.

      BTW, your blog is set to private/protected, so anyone who hasn't been invited can't access it.

  7. Pleeeeeease do this!!! I've been wanting to re-read them again!

    And I would LOVE to say that I'll be here consistently but, honestly, I'll probably end up popping in and out XD

    1. Fawnabelle, I think we're on!

      Popping in and out happens :-) I won't dock your grade... because I'm not giving grades!

  8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOST DEFINITELY I'D PARTICIPATE!!!!!!!!!!!!


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