
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Poetry Celebration Recap -- Week 3

I can't believe how well this celebration is going!  I was hoping I'd get 5 or 6 other people to participate, maybe have a dozen posts total, including my own.  Instead, we're up to two dozen posts already!  You can find links to all of them on the Poetry Month Celebration page, but here are the new posts from this week:

3 Reasons Why You Should Go to a Poetry Reading -- Suzanne
Pride and Prejudice Poem (original poem) -- Naomi
"Ode to Dr. Seuss" (original poem) -- Joseph
"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne -- Brona Joy
"Today" (original poem) -- Kara
"A Curious Inbetween" (original poem) -- Kara
"Known" (original poem) -- Kara
"All You Who Sleep Tonight" (original poem) -- Hamlette
Nature Poetry -- Carol
"The Horse Show at Midnight" by Henry Taylor -- Joseph
Poetry and Prose in Shakespeare's Plays -- Hamlette

We only have one week left, so if you've been wanting to join in, but haven't yet, now is your chance!

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