
Monday, February 23, 2015

Mailbox Monday Once More

Linking up with Mailbox Monday again this week :-)  I got this in the mail a few days ago:

I'm hoping to start reading it soon!  I've read a couple reviews that said it was sweet and cute... but not too sweet or too cute.  Sounds like a good antidote to that late-winter "why isn't spring here yet" melancholy that tends to hit me in February.


  1. Replies
    1. I totally started reading it while lunch was reheating, and I'm now three chapters into it and hooked.

  2. Aw, fun. I wish I got things in the mail more often. :-) But you kind of have to order them, and that kind of always involves money....

    I'm feeling that late-winter blues too; more so this year than ever before, I think. WHERE IS MY SPRING. *sigh* "It'll come, it'll come, it'll come..."

    Enjoy your book! :-)

    1. Yeah, the whole costing-money thing is a downside. And I Should Not be feeling blecky because we have Snow Right Now, and I love snow, and it's our first real snow this winter, but... I woke up hungry for flowers and growing things and being able to send the kids out to play without spending 15 minutes bundling them up first.

  3. Yay, glad you bought it! And I hope you enjoy it! :)

    1. I'm 87 pages into it, and I just started reading it at lunch time. It's rather like candy, isn't it? Easy to indulge in.

  4. I usually don't have winter blues, but i do this year!

    1. Mine will generally subside into a faint yearning for green things in a day or two. Right now I'm particularly hampered by my second cold this month -- I think if I could only breathe through my nose or think lucidly, I'd be less glum. Happily, colds pass :-) Meanwhile, I have this book to read, my kids to tickle, and corned beef and cabbage boiling on the stove for supper :-9

      I hope yours pass soon!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! I've chowed my way through the first 170 pages, and it's quite enjoyable so far. Nothing deep, but sweet and comfy -- perfect for a headcold.

  6. Sweet and cute works for me. :)

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    1. I ended up reading it over the last couple of days, and it really was a sweet book!


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